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Personal Fitness & Pilates Training

Pilates has been used in people who suffer from back pain, osteoarthritis and posture related pain. It is also used extensively by dancers, cricketers and Olympic athletes in an effort to improve movement control and prevent injury. However, because the techniques are progressive it is also an appropriate form of exercise for beginners.
The exercises are done in a slow and controlled manner, which the aim of targeting specific muscles that improve posture.

"The perfect life doesn't happen by chance, but you can choose by yourself."

Instructor Background

- Pilates Instructor Certification Course (Foundation - Mat Work) by AASFP / BASI
- Certified Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer by AASFP
- Certified Fit-Ball Instructor by AASFP
- Personal Training Workshop by AASFP , Prevent Lower Pain (Hip, Knee and Ankle)

- Personal Training Workshop by AASFP , Prevent Lower Pain (Hip, Knee and Ankle)
- Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China - HKPFA Workshop (Introduction to Kinesio-Taping Techniques)

- Certified Personal Trainer by IHFI
- Sports and Fitness Foundation Certificate by IHFI

- Physical Fitness Foundation Certification (Passed With Grade A) by HKPFA
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation by HK ST. John Ambulance
- Diploma of Sports Development (Coaching) Canberra Institute of Technology, Australia  
- Advanced Diploma in Recreation and Sports Management, Hong Kong

I believe I can provide the best professional and one-stop solution advice to my clients. I am an outgoing, caring and enthusiastic trainer and I can always deliver the warmest regards as well as the best counsel to my clients, which will meet and exceed their expectations.

Tel: 67761015 Mr.Lam  
[email protected]

By Appointment


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 廣告專區 » Personal Fitness & Pilates Training

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