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[謝拉特傷人案] 檢控官: 出拳似一名職業拳手(有片)




段片濛查查, 真係睇唔到係邊個......
Reds' skipper Gerrard found 'not guilty' of affray

England footballer Steven Gerrard is a free man after he was cleared of unjustly attacking a man in a bar.

The Liverpool midfielder arrives at court.

The Liverpool captain was accused of attacking a DJ in a nightclub in a row over music in December 2008, but has been cleared after the jury's verdict was delivered on Friday.

Gerrard admitted hitting Marcus McGee, 34, in a Southport bar, but a jury at the city's Crown Court accepted his explanation that it was in self-defence.

The 29-year-old was the only one of seven defendants to be cleared over the ''explosion of violence'' at the Lounge Inn during which Mr McGee lost a tooth and suffered facial cuts.

http://soccernet.espn.go.com/new ... sec=england&cc=4716

MBE - 謝君子脫罪了
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » [謝拉特傷人案] 檢控官: 出拳似一名職業拳手(有片)

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