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Official: Peter Crouch Signs For Tottenham Hotspur

The lanky striker has completed his move to White Hart Lane...

Portsmouth have confirmed on their official website that Peter Crouch has made the switch to Tottenham Hotspur for a fee estimated around the £9 million mark.

Spurs boss Harry Redknapp had spent time with the towering frontman during his spell as manager at Fratton Park and recently rekindled his interest in the player, despite an admission that Crouch might be too expensive.

However, a deal was agreed by the two clubs - both to suit Harry Redknapp's need for a striker and to ease Pompey's scheduled debt repayments.

"We are sorry to see Peter go both as a player and a person and would like to thank him for playing a key role in keeping the club in the Premier League last season," a official Portsmouth statement reads.

"His sale was necessitated by the club’s commitment to repay scheduled debts while we are in a transitional period of completing the takeover.

"We will now be looking to add fresh faces to the first-team squad as soon as possible."

It is expected now that, with the announcement of Spurs' acquisition of Crouch, the Premier League side will call off their hunt for Real Madrid striker Klaas-Jan Huntelaar.

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Official: Peter Crouch Signs For Tottenham Hotspur

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