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[車迷區] New Pagani C9 details

Pagani will launch its Zonda replacement, the C9, at the end of this year, according to the supercar firm’s Argentine founder.

HoracioPagani told media in his native country that the C9 would be powered bya 690bhp, 737lb ft version of AMG’s 6.0-litre V12 engine.

Paganialso said the car was a completely new product in terms of design,weight, distribution, materials and dynamics and it will feature 3770new parts.

The chassis will be carbon-titanium, with electronicscoming from Bosch and specially developed tyres from Pirelli. The carwill also be sold in the US as Pagani claims it meets the strict crashsafety tests and Californian emissions laws.

Production of allone-off and special-edition Zondas will end in September to gear up forC9 production. Pagani aims to build 40 units per year at a cost of900,000 euros (£785,000).

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 車迷區 » New Pagani C9 details

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