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Originally posted by maycheung at 2005-3-6 04:03 PM:
Thanks brother, but do you mean that I need to put on the battery whenever I used the notebook.  I used the notebook for more than 3 years, and I didn't take out the battery until one day I found  ...
Hello again,

Not really my friend, when the battery is defective do not install it back into your notebook because it could further damage both the adaptor and the main board. Although its a good idea to remove your battery whenever there is AC power supply to prolong battery life,  it will also worn the connectors faster in da battery holding bay.  The average life for a notebook battery (Li-Ion battery has about 300 to 500 charged/discharged cycles) is about 2 years, so even if its not damaged and after 3 years i don't think it can supply power to your notebook for more than 30 minutes after its fully charged.

If you can't turn it on without a battery, and no response whatsoever when you try to turn it on, send it to a repair shop because there is nothing you can do to fix it at this point.  Ask the technician from the repair shop to try it with a new battery first, then check the power switch to see if the button is worn.  Please also ask them to remove all the attachable devices such as CD-ROM drive, floppy drive and the hard drive, then double check the AC adaptor connector and try again.  If all checked out ok and still no luck then my friend, you might want to reconsider getting a new unit because at this point, its not worth it to spend money to get it fixed.

Good luck
Oh sorry i forgot something, also ask them to try with a new memory module as well.  A defective memory module can also cause problems to the power supply system.  I am thinking about trying a new CPU but hey, you expecting them to order a new CPU for a $200 US dollar labour job?

[ Last edited by armageddon on 2005-3-7 at 02:43 AM ]
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