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Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-23 07:15 PM:

乜嗰時除左活塞外仲有其他球隊打佢地的"bad boy " 風格ge咩?
u know the celtics in the 80's, players like danny ainge was dirty but they weren't as explicit as the pistons in the 90's. They literally grab u in the nuts and pull your leg hair to stop u from driving to the hoop. NBA now is not as hard ball so u see a lot of highflyers or highflying moves, just a lot flashier than the past if u have watched the nba for more than a decade.
Originally posted by Windowpane at 2006-1-24 20:12:

u know the celtics in the 80's,...
Yes, there are not many people in here know the meaning for "Bad Boys" in late 80s.
Except Joe Dumars, everyone in Pistons, their defends.........

We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
grapping balls stepping on others when jumping, part of the game man in the 80's
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by 甘國武 at 2006-1-24 16:44:

Originally posted by brightlee at 2006-1-24 08:23 PM:

Yes, there are not many people in here know the meaning for "Bad Boys" in late 80s.
Except Joe Dumars, everyone in Pistons, their defends.........

不過知道佢地打波好狼,foul 親都好打力咁打落去~
Originally posted by brightlee at 2006-1-24 08:23 PM:

Yes, there are not many people in here know the meaning for "Bad Boys" in late 80s.
Except Joe Dumars, everyone in Pistons, their defends.........

ya they were playing real rough, but mj was so determined that he would overcome these bad boys. I know a friend who knows joe dumars' cousin. His cousin watched all these games that mj played against the pistons. Who would be that lucky to experience all these live. Anyway, his cousin was recalling that incident where dumars, rodman, and thomas were each giving mj one blow when mj was driving to the basket. Normally, guys would back off and stop driving. But the very next possession mj would still drive hard to the basket. I'm not a mj fan but there's a lot of determination rite there. I dun mean players nowadays lack determination but they are playing under a more friendly and safer environment. So yes it's extremely hard to score 80 pts in a game but it's individual stats after all. At the end of the day, the ring counts. Yes, kobe has 3 already but we'll see if he can do it on his own.

dumars' cousin also told my friend quite a bit of the inside stories in the nba. I would love to share but i dun wanna derail the topic haha. But mostly they were about the pistons.
I want to know too, please start another thread on that~
Originally posted by Windowpane at 2006-1-25 13:48:

ya they were playing real rough...
Please tell us the story, "inside the NBA"
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!

KOBE 可能再刷職業生捱新高

Kobe 能夠入81分唔代表比jordan好,
Originally posted by 甘國武 at 2006-1-24 04:44 PM:

the world record is 272 pts by a single man in a game
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » KOBE 可能再刷職業生捱新高

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