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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » [求助]我個harddisk壞咗
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Originally posted by hold_find at 2006-8-19 11:17 PM:

買咗啦,不過想要番D data,儲咗好耐
Originally posted by d228216 at 2006-8-19 11:19 PM:

Originally posted by hold_find at 2006-8-19 11:38 PM:

software 救唔到嫁啦
Originally posted by d228216 at 2006-8-19 11:56 PM:

software 救唔到嫁啦
我部harddisk應該冇physical damage,同埋OS及BIOS都認到我隻harddisk,但我欠資料修復軟件...
1. It takes time to recover, how big is your hard disk(Gb) in which format(FAT), is it a partition or a single disk?
2. also do you still got your "D:" show in "My Computer"
if yes, you can try scan it with some simple recovery software. (may be No$, search on the web)
if no, you need some advance recovery software, to read the Drive. ($)
3. There wil be some files that cannot recover, even if you buy software to do this(like me).
4. you can dolwnload software to test first (Finaldata) from www.download.com, you can have a look for 14 days(trial version recover only 3 files<128Kb), and preview unlimited if it is Picture(JPG ...etc)

Last if you don't mind and you have time, I may have a try for you. I brought a lisenced software before. (I tried a damaged 30G for 4 days and cannot find what i want) be prepaired
Originally posted by DXneo at 2006-8-24 10:51 AM:
1. It takes time to recover, how bi...
You are wellcome(不是惠康)
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » [求助]我個harddisk壞咗

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