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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 『體育版閒談互相交流區。』
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我要跟你  飛出這個太空 ~~
To 版主,

for this post, http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=161184&fpage=1

why does Eric911 got Thumb-up, but me and eqhigh got nothing..

since me and eqhigh both posted the final draw results easlier than eric911, at least we should all get thumb up as well~~

and also, I am looking for a couple of Man Utd shirts, Can I post what I am looking for in Man Utd fans zone? coz it's more like a commercial more than some chatting...so I'm not so sure whether I am allowed to post ~~

Originally posted by arthur8088 at 1-9-2007 15:52:
To 版主,

for this post, [url]htt...
The first problem is solved.....both +3......
Never mind of little points la~~

Although I dunno who add that 1 point......

The second problem I leave for Bright and Kakei.......
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2007-9-1 03:52 PM:
To 版主,

for this post, [url]htt...
Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 2007-9-1 17:56:

The first problem is solved.......
it's important this time...coz first time ever over 200~~~
Originally posted by eqhigh at 2007-9-1 19:06:

Originally posted by arthur8088 at 1-9-2007 19:14:

it's important this time...coz first time ever over 200~~~
You're welcome~~ But sometimes marks are subjectively added or deducted by MOD....
It is not a very smart and right action to ask for points....We'll know ga......

Okay..... Then I wish you to have the same points as mine soon......
To 版主,

I am looking for a couple of Man Utd shirts, Can I post what I am looking for in Man Utd fans zone? coz it's more like a commercial more than some chatting...so I'm not so sure whether I am allowed to post ~~

don't worry
do it in Man Utd section

Hey sorry about I respond your request a little bit late, I couldn't have internet service at home for a week... due to moving to new place

Finally I can online now...

We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 『體育版閒談互相交流區。』

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