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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 戀愛起義 » 既然無意,何以佢會咁樣望我呢??
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Aiya.... how come you'll like this ga... you're telling us that you're not give up yet wor~ Ok, I know it's hard ga la. Take your time la~

As I think, in this case, I think that she treat you as her best best fd already la, if she's really use the caring sight to look at you at that time, I think she's worrying about that you'll misunderstood that she has feeling or has something with your Head lor~ She doesn't want you to misunderstand her ar~ ( this is only if they didn't have anything happened in the holiday)
Otherwise... you know ga la~

Try to take time to talk with her n get some detail n info la, but remember be clam ar~ Otherwise, if you're too caring, she'll know that you like her ga, than she may hide from you, than that will comes to worst ga la~

Looking forward to your update la~

Take care~
still remember once i said 「你既無心我便休」? (sorry in this computer i can't type chinese)

i know it is very very difficult, but if you really have make your decision already, you should force yourself stop thinking about anything about it, until something is crystal clear (either she clearly states that she does have feeling on you, or when you finally get cured). this is because any of your "response" to these will drag you back to the original painful situation, which go nowhere, as you already clearly identified. i know and fully understand that it hurts, and it is difficult to do so, but doing that is doing your own good. concentrate on your work, try to find some other objectives --> e.g. achieve a high target sales, which will occupy all your time.

this is the way to do, in principle -- i have to say. i hope you can do it and don't fall back to my awful situation in the past.

i can't clearly expressing myself using english perhaps. one 眼神 could mean a lot, but at the same time it could mean nothing (i know i am cruel to say that)! it could mean that there is something / some hopes going on, but again it could be our illusion due to our sub-conscious wish to have something happen.... ask yourself (i also keep asking myself): can i be sure? should i jump back to the vicious cycle because just this uncertain observation?

best wishes.
Originally posted by kalos at 2007-2-23 12:03 AM:
As I think, in this case, I think that she treat you as her best best fd already la, if she's really use the caring sight to look at you at that time, I think she's worrying about that you'll misunderstood that she has feeling or has something with your Head lor~ She doesn't want you to misunderstand her ar~ ( this is only if they didn't have anything happened in the holiday)
Otherwise... you know ga la~
Yes. try to think in more "normal" way; it is also possible that the caring sight you received is due to the fact that you told her having some family issues.

Try to take time to talk with her n get some detail n info la, but remember be clam ar~ Otherwise, if you're too caring, she'll know that you like her ga, than she may hide from you, than that will comes to worst ga la~[/quote]

agree. talk to her but try not to expect anything. casual talk.... hopefully it will get better as time goes by.

睇下你會吾會"客"醋, 但佢對你既感情又未至於同佢男友分手而同你一齊果隻


因為你係同佢close 既人, 你知啦, 男女既野, 邊有咁多101% 純友情


不過吾好太在意呢啲小動作啦....... 女仔既野, 可能呢一刻佢對你有小小感覺, 下一刻唸唸下又吾係咁唸都未定

你知道你係佢心中都係重要咪得law, 當係一個bonus啦, keep 住close pal 既關係

將來既野, 真係話吾定
ADD oIL bro!!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 戀愛起義 » 既然無意,何以佢會咁樣望我呢??

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