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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » Vista 接班人 Vienna 預定 2009 年底上市
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Vista 接班人 Vienna 預定 2009 年底上市

現在 Vista 終於渡過了漫長的開發週期,開始正式進駐到 PC中,下一個大新聞是什麼?很不可思議的,從微軟流出來的消息表明,下一代代號為「Vienna」的 Windows 作業系統將在 2009 年底上市-- 蠻不可思議的,依照 Windows 的模式,那時出個 SP1 還差不多。

但是 Ben Fathi -- Windows OS 核心部門的經理 -- 很明確的表明這個時間表指的確實是 Vienna,而不是即將來到的Service Pack,「Fiji」。除了預定的上市時間外,Ben 倒也口風挺緊的,不願意透露 Vienna將有什麼新功能,但是從先前得到的資料表明,使用者介面的完全變革應該是 Vienna 的重點特色。所以問題就來了,如果還有不到三年下一代的Windows 就要出來的話,是還升不升級 Vista 呢?
2Gb ram先行得順...
莫講話4gb ram
I think it may delay as it is the tradition of MS......
Delay for Vienna is sure coz they always like that. But I think it's too fast to release this news as Vista is not long in the market, if the news is real, then it'll has a bad effect to vista's selling... But anyways, it's too expensive to upgate n install vista, I think xp is enough to me...
會唔會係 M記對手放出來,等人唔敢升級 Vista?
May we need 8GB ram that time
Originally posted by acery2k at 2007-3-13 09:31 PM:
會唔會係 M記對手放出來,等人唔敢升級 Vista?
M記 does not need to spred our rumor... they are even worse than MS, see how many version of OSX they have put out... and theres another one coming out real soon... its more like 1.5 year per version... hahaha
Mass consumer expectations realise that new update is going to release sooner. Think about the XP, we had SP1,2 and 3 ... plus so many other updates between all these service packs. We could have only got one instead of the lots. My assumption is that they want to improve performance after testing the actual performance from general users. Then, release a better or stable update.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » Vista 接班人 Vienna 預定 2009 年底上市

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