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Vice captain Rosicky earns £25,000 fine   Dale Johnson

Arsenal star Tomas Rosicky and five of his Czech Republic team-mates landed the whole squad a £25,000 fine from the Czech FA after spending a night in a hotel with six prostitutes.It was revealed on Monday that the players had been fined after indulging in a wild party following the team's 2-1 defeat to Germany in a Euro 2008 qualifier. But the full extent of the revelry has only just emerged. A female Czech journalist broke the story after she had visited the hotel room herself as an autograph hunter. Players 'drank and hugged prostitutes' while she spoke to Jan Polak at the room door. Rosicky, along with Martin Jiranek, Tomas Ujfalusi, Polak and Marek Cech, managed to get the girls into their hotel by telling team officials that the girls were 'autograph hunters'. They also claimed they had been celebrating Ujfalusi's birthday. Rosicky apologised for his actions at a press conference. He said: 'We have been correctly punished. We are very sorry.' However, he said he had a 'clear conscience' when asked about the presence of the prostitutes. His girlfriend, Radka Kocurova, may have a few additional questions. She said: said: 'I have read what was in the papers. All I will say is no comment.' Ujfalusi, Cech and Polak are actually married. 'Because the celebration was conducted in an inappropriate way, which does not fall in line with the behaviour of Czech Republic national team members, the whole team was punished by a one-million-crown fine,' the Czech FA said in a statement. Coach Karel Brueckner was quoted by news agency CTK as saying it was the worst disciplinary offence he had experienced and that it briefly made him consider resigning. Tabloid daily Sip reported on Monday that the six players had held a party in a room at the Praha hotel until at least 5.30am. The players, who will share the cost of the fine among the whole team, admitted having a late party. The Czechs lost 2-1 to Germany on Saturday after a weak performance that sparked wide criticism of the team and Brueckner.
Originally posted by HINHIN123 at 2007-3-30 04:13 AM:
Vice captain Rosicky earns £25,000 ...
Ok this is the funny part

However, he said he had a 'clear conscience' when asked about the presence of the prostitutes.

The players, who will share the cost of the fine among the whole team, admitted having a late party.

Ok so he deny any presence of prostututes, but admitted having a late party XDDDD
So sausage party? GOod try man loL~
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
please don't copy and paste the article
your article is locked
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 捷克五球員召妓被罰款

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