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[加分討論題] 創業者的第一筆資金怎來?


[ Last edited by 笨小孩 on 2007-8-7 at 11:08 PM ]
通常都會問銀行借, 另外政府有中小企業資助計劃

但係香港唔適合創業......你都知, 成本太高, 有錢佬玩哂.
創業唔容易ar,而且創業難守業仲難, 咩都唔好講, 淨係比得起租都難
除非有強勁後盾, 否則要三思~~
if you have an innovative idea and good execution to go with it you can often get some venture capital funding. in any case, it's best to start small and make sure that there is a market for what you are trying to sell. both to keep costs down and to prove that your concept is profitable to banks and investors to fund expansion.
創業者0既第一桶金...if still studying ...many ppl get grat loan to do the investment....
later....working several yrs...storing some money and experience....may open a small shop...
at this time also find parents borrow money .....
if the comp can earn money ...need to expand ...may find banker to get loan.. mortage ..etc...
but in hk ...start business .....operating cost too heavy ....if u dnot want to suffer pressure from business or bankrupt....take $ to invest is a better way ....since the share if u really do the analysis ....risk is less than start business.....and if u think the industry u invest have construction problem ....u can go away by throwing the shares....
but base on entrepreneurship  ....if u start busines in those problematic industries....u will waste time to wait and suffer the risk....at least ....u will loss so much...
Start business need to consider more...like potential target ...salaries ...insurance ...some extra expense ...find supllies ....some many thing u need to think
Take care ....Good luck
我諗都係得幾種: 屋企人借或比, 銀行借, 自己儲蓄或投資, 中六合彩....
當然, 如果可以同人夾份就會容易d.....
如果閣下口才好,加上個idea有potential,可以試下申請外國嘅hedge fund,例如索羅斯個量子基金。


跟住要計cost of capital 和capital budgeting,決定是否值得投資。


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 財多學錢 » [加分討論題] 創業者的第一筆資金怎來?

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