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What is your pick???

Which fruit5 n% e: M- W  j4 |/ V) U1 f& H  c
will you pick if you were handed these:4 u4 C) n8 A+ o5 _4 m6 B. a

( ~; U+ Z/ q# [; d+ ]1.  Orange
: [8 L: `* t# i4 m; F7 n1 U6 @2.  Apple) V" @6 a  C9 a1 g
3.  Banana2 W% `% b. K2 G( h& e
4.  Coconut
7 F& [/ ]2 T3 D; h" ]" ~% _" m5.  Pineapple
1 x. R  X- ^6 ?" T5 m& E$ {6.  Papaya# |6 n$ }9 Q/ R' F/ l
7.  Mango% ~$ b' T. p/ w6 N5 n
8.  Cherry
! a/ E7 e6 ^$ k, }( H" [9.  Black Grapes3 k- T; P3 o0 ~" |& ^# e# H
10. Peach
$ g5 ?) n( i3 P" M. v" X11. Custard Apple3 ^6 ~7 }3 K* D4 o; [. _
12. Pear9 ~3 q% x4 Z( n
3 |2 U8 B0 _! q$ x
What is your pick??? (Pick before you scroll down... do not CHEAT!!!)( r# T8 k: T; h+ `3 D

% ]# L2 y/ Y; G: g+ c! e9 h9 r7 w" T# W! c" ?4 G# H
YOU% C& w+ H6 B# l6 `* A
BETTER, g6 \  l0 p' O8 U3 @$ R
. `7 j* I+ T8 g  y( I. W, d BE, u# [- @& a6 R( s- k- S9 C
# y' x# \& Q  D" E8 _! m1 K, A KEEP SCROLLING!!!6 ^7 a  Q7 Y3 w" l. {! I

3 |4 D$ G0 S9 p  i0 `' \: I- a0 z ORANGE - If orange is your favorite fruit, it speaks of a person who has
! D) Z! u9 W! i( I9 x3 d9 [/ V enduring patience and willpower. You like to do things slowly, but very" Y" h0 A. @" b3 p- w
thoroughly and are completely undaunted by hard work. You tend to be shy,
3 o' ?& w  H' E) C$ M' s but are reliable and trustworthy friend. You have an aesthetic bent of% Q/ Q/ k! [, O; g! N2 W
mind. You select your partner with care and you love with all your heart,
5 c8 ]) _! ^+ B: a5 U and not in for just a fling. You avoid conflict at all costs
6 Y3 d) Y/ ]; t0 C
$ s( g" Z/ `& l5 @4 `, { APPLE - If apple is your favorite fruit, you are an extravagant, impulsive, H% \) p) M( U! L7 t' G( C  x
and outspoken person, often with a bit of a temper. While you may not be
5 h7 t0 |, x4 q* \: l the best organizer yourself, you make a good team leader and are good at
& ^6 \! O9 n& `  T% X taking things forward. You can take quick action in most situations. You
2 t( `/ R* u/ N$ D3 ^$ b# v! e- Z# _" z8 x enjoy travel  immensely. You ooze with charm when you are with your
! U9 @) n( o5 w0 n1 s9 ^  { partner. You have an enthusiasm for life, unmatched by most.2 U( X0 `" K, Y' r

/ n$ r. ~$ R7 k! K" i BANANA - You are a softy! Loving, gentle, warm and sympathetic by nature2 t7 n& Y1 {$ H* X9 |
is the banana lover. You often lack in self-confidence and are quite timid$ [. V, b+ p% t4 I
by nature. People often take advantage of your sweet temperedness, and* C5 J; }6 v, \$ b2 W
sheer vulnerability to a situation. You adore your partner in every which/ _8 t4 O8 s4 G: x' \* y
way, both for their mental and physical beauty! Because of the way you
4 }0 ]3 o+ I/ b7 j; v are, your relationship is always very much in harmony!/ m4 Y0 l- D2 ^  G

; X/ d6 Q( s/ A COCONUT - The coconut lover is a serious, very thoughtful and* b- N' J$ H6 B3 E1 D
contemplative person. Though you enjoy socializing, you are particular
- V  m, p9 l7 Q. F. c! _; n about the company you keep and value your friendships highly. You tend to
+ k# L; z1 Z7 \ be stubborn but not necessarily foolhardy.  Shrewd, quick-witted and
" B1 Q, @8 A  H& L! e/ a' g alert, you ensure that you are right on top of any given scenario,
6 _* g2 x3 P. d) o4 t especially at work. You need a partner with brains, and while passion is
" e6 d) N/ ]0 r/ q/ E! P7 O1 ] important it certainly isn't everything for you. You are a very loyal
! T2 A% G, w8 I4 ~4 j# B partner.
8 F/ W* F$ U4 o$ C' V( \  T+ Z' b9 x8 f$ u7 ~
PINEAPPLE - You are quick to decide and even quicker to act. You are brave" a: y7 q* M, Q$ g+ j$ l# f$ o/ n7 K
in asking career changes, if that is what is to your advantage.  You have: j- m5 |5 M3 S0 x' W# P
exceptional organizing abilities and are undaunted by the size of the task1 x) I- x6 }4 }" O" J2 a2 V
at hand. You tend to be self reliant, sincere and honest in your dealings+ V: k' Q+ w% r7 A; W  _6 Z# g0 ~: [
with others. Though you are not given to making friends very quickly, but3 _' }  E( `- _1 d/ j& _
once you do, it is for life. Your partner is often impressed with your/ A% ?8 n! ^. k1 p7 P+ v! h: F1 o. j
sterling qualities but disappointed in your ability to show affection.; Z% I& N; a4 F% D
( p. b3 a0 [. q3 N
PAPAYA - You are truly fearless and take much that happens in life in your
! N% r9 d5 M1 I2 I stride. You give considerable thought to things you do. You have a sense$ C" k7 L  O; a& b6 s; w5 K% `& @
of humour that, along with your generous nature, keeps you in most( N, t" f7 V( A- f3 j" ]4 ?+ [
people's good books. You are a go-getter in your professional life, and
# a: s) Q. @% Y- h6 W/ }& | have a knack for being in the right place at the right time.  You enjoy
' Z% B7 C2 X0 Z+ j/ u/ ^ meeting new people and seeing new sights whenever you can.
( M: O1 |- \4 m6 A Your sense of humor is what attracts members of the opposite sex to you
6 c# c& z) [/ ]8 K* r) `5 o7 q+ ]) D more than anything else.  It is simply charming!* ?7 N3 Q0 B2 b7 U0 Z; e
' J2 M7 r$ e- n$ `3 Y5 H% j, C
MANGO - A mango lover is a personality to be reckoned with; quite often,
7 C5 o7 Q: {9 x, O you are a person who has quite fixed ideas, and influencing you is not an
3 O% v* q  d* W easy task. You tend to be an extremist with strong likes and dislikes, and) p' u! {- r9 F( _
at times even like to control a situation. You enjoy getting involved in, M' m  {3 r3 C5 \
something that presents mental challenge. Strong as you may be, you are
# R9 j1 ?) J6 N) G8 w( n7 P3 ] like a kitten when you are with your partner.  You accommodate the love of8 P* H' X& @( F$ }
your life, and make up for all the strong will elsewhere!
7 m0 Z- Y2 R) ^, K0 S' e' U/ n8 u9 A2 i& l, Y, M
CHERRY - If cherry is your favorite fruit, life isn't always as sweet for  Y2 g% g" F. P
you. You often face ups and downs, particularly professionally, and find) f* d: |! o8 b
that you make small sums of $$$, instead of a lump sum. You have a fertile
) I* Y0 R& r; r) [! F! h% g imagination and are often involved in creative pursuits. You are a very
# [( i1 }% @3 h sincere and loyal partner, but find that expressing your feelings is not
: O& b. e6 A% W0 X! I% H- ]! F8 D3 S very easy. Your home is your haven, and you love nothing more than being
  U+ z1 U; D$ k$ V surrounded by close family and your beloved partner.
; z; J, O) n% t5 g
: T5 [$ Q; E* ?5 s BLACK GRAPES - You are a polite person in general, but do have quick
4 l! e! ~/ }8 d8 C( U2 O flare-ups of temper that cool down just as quickly. You enjoy beauty in
+ F% Y* [* ?! W; V0 ^; w4 s all forms, including beautiful people. You are very popular because of
9 A! _) O% f3 {# \/ G/ T( G your warm, gregarious nature. You have a zest for life; you enjoy3 S4 E" [* [* s( f( W( _& c
everything you do, right from the way you dress, to your style and your7 p" ?3 p: e6 H5 h8 G
day-to-day life.  Your partner must share your zeal and zing for life to% G  g& [; \" R4 Q0 t
really enjoy all you have to offer!% V! L# \5 N' s

( `& j2 p4 T) n$ b/ H! k PEACH - Like a peach, you enjoy the juice of life and all its lush
* C6 Z4 N; h7 f$ T4 V' D ripeness! You are the friendly sort, and are quite frank and outspoken,5 U2 t  e: G- v$ g
which adds to your charm. You are quick to forgive and forget; and value* r8 n# K8 ?% {4 I
your friendships highly. You have an independent and ambitious streak in( B' o' S! ?1 i" V
you that make you a real go-getter. You are the ideal lover, fiery and# a! i' r' X7 O  ~9 G% T
passionate but sincere and faithful in love. You don't, however, like to
! s7 x. w; X9 u% q0 G0 Y display all that passion in public.
# {0 t# Z$ B9 [+ m. ?9 U* j$ [4 A! R. Z
CUSTARD APPLE - You are a modest and conservative person who can be quite
: z+ s7 `$ ?4 i3 B7 }7 s sensitive at times. You tend to be thoughtful and contemplative, and
0 i8 ^2 G+ E1 i& Y; ? therefore are rarely rash in doing things. You are quite ambitious and are
$ ?9 ?1 Q& \4 z9 d. ` good at anything that requires much detailing or working with numbers. You
2 h% X% u1 ]7 ]% {. v, \ are quick at finding fault with others.  While looking for a partner, you
" r" }% L; \6 v) c) I value a person's intellect far above their looks or good old passion. You
. P0 U% c6 a1 Q6 y2 v" ^9 Y9 l are quite shy and not very comfortable demonstrating affection.
2 @6 F" F, }. P! i2 s; u- ]* C' i" p# L7 f
PEAR - If you put your mind to something you can do it successfully, but
; W0 P' T! x, O) c by and large you tend to be fickle and have trouble completing a task with" H9 M4 F9 Q0 D8 K4 B, B
the enthusiasm you started it with.  You need to know the results of your0 V8 ^3 z# s+ C) P) e3 E! w6 S
efforts almost immediately. You enjoy mental stimulation and love to get
. }: W3 E- ~/ A  c. ] into a good filter-004ion!  You tend to be a restless and high-strung person,! C3 s( V; J0 W
and are easily excited.  Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect! It$ i; I: Z: U- f. P8 t6 o6 |
means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » What is your pick???

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