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(BBC News) 英超考慮於海外舉行賽事

英超聯打算衝出英國, 放眼全球了! 因為英超賽會考慮改革賽制, 晌全球多個城巿舉行賽事.

根據建議, 由 2011 年 1 月份開始, 英超聯會在亞洲, 中東及北美洲既多個城市舉行 10 場賽事. 換言之, 各支球隊每季進行既賽事, 將由 38 場增至 39 場, 而呢 D 賽事既賽果係會計算入聯賽榜既成績內, 海外城市會競逐海外賽事既主辦權. 20 間英超球會代表昨日開會後, 原則上同意有關計劃, 會在明年 1 月作出最後決定.

英超聯行政總裁史高達摩亞表示, 增加海外賽事係一項刺激及具創意的構想, 但推行前需要小心考慮, 在未來既 12 個月會作進一步既計劃工作.

晤 ...... 話唔定第日會見到晌香港上演既英超賽事喎 ......

BBC -- http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/eng_prem/7232390.stm

Top clubs consider overseas games

The English Premier League is considering the idea of staging some matches around the rest of the world.

At a meeting in London on Thursday, all 20 clubs agreed to explore a proposal to extend the season to 39 games.

Those 10 extra games would be played at five different venues, with cities bidding for the right to stage them.

It is understood the additional fixtures could be determined by a draw but that the top-five teams could be seeded to avoid playing each other.

Premier League chief executive Richard Scudamore told BBC Sport: "I think it's an idea whose time has come. It's an exciting prospect.

"It's an extra game, it's is not taking anybody's game away, and it includes all 20 clubs which is very important. All 20 clubs will benefit and there is a huge element of solidarity about it.

"When the league does well, other people in the football family do well in terms of redistribution. We feel it is a very positive thing.

"You can't stand still and if we don't do this then somebody else is going to do it, whether it be football or another sport. Therefore it's trying to ride the crest of that wave at the same as protecting what is good and great about what we do.

"Every time there is an evolutionary step, the reaction of the fans is not always great but I would ask them to take a step back and look at the positives."

The Football Association has given its provisional support to the plans.

"We understand the reasons for this proposals and the benefits it can bring to English football as a whole," said an FA source.

A final decision on the proposals will not be made until January 2009.

The main aspects of the plans are:

- An additional round of Premier League fixtures, extending the season to 39 games, from January 2011

- Four clubs to travel to one of five host cities, with two games taking place in each venue over a weekend

- Cities would bid for the right to become a host, not for individual matches

- Points earned from the games would count towards the final Premier League table

Scudamore added that "there is much more detail to follow which we will work on over the next 12 months".

Cities in Asia, Middle East and North America are likely to show a strong interest in hosting the extra games.

BBC sports editor Mihir Bose says the Premier League's decision to explore such a move is a "logical" one.

"The growth of the Premier League has been impressive in the last 15 years thanks to the sale of television rights in this country," he said.

"But now the market in the United Kingdom is becoming saturated and it is the overseas market which is now the big target area."

The Premier League's income from the sale of overseas TV rights has already increased from £178m in 2001 to £625m for the current deal that runs until 2010.

Broadcaster NowTV paid around £100m for the rights to Hong Kong alone.

Premier League games are broadcast to over 600m homes in 202 countries worldwide, while an estimated 1bn people watched the Premier League game between Arsenal and Manchester United in November 2007.

A number of top-flight clubs already play matches around the world as they seek to capitalise on the huge global interest in the English game.

Manchester United are regular visitors to Asia, Middle East and America while other clubs are beginning to follow their lead.

"This is a chance for the Premier League to showcase its product around the world," added Bose.

"Some fans may feel aggrieved, but their concerns will be outweighed in the eyes of the clubs by the financial advantages.

"The clubs will see this as a chance to make more money so they can invest in new facilities and better players."

There is also likely to be a big scramble for the right to host the extra games.

"It will be like cities bidding for the Olympic Games or the World Cup," explained Bose.

The Premier League's proposal mirrors moves in other sports, notably American Football.

Miami Dolphins and New York Giants met at Wembley in October, the first competitive NFL game outside the Americas.

"Globalisation is a challenge for all sports because the whole world seems to be interested in the very best of sport wherever it comes from," added Scudamore.

"Through modern media exposure there is a globalisation and we need to do something to make sure we are at the forefront of that and making sure we turn that into positive benefits for the game at all levels in this country."

Scudamore also defended the claim that taking away the principle of teams playing each other twice, home and away, removes the league's fairness.

"There is a perfect symmetry to our league but that is not the same thing as saying it is fair," he said.

"The clubs will know in advance what the rules are, there will be a draw and these matches will not be anyone's home or away games.

"There are a lot of things that will be done to make it as fair as you can make it. This is not a challenge to the integrity of the competition."

[ Last edited by terencey on 2008-2-8 at 04:29 PM ]


_44410658_premier_league_world_203.jpg (17.5 KB)
203 x 152 PIXEL下載

Man Utd make regular visits to Asia and are proving a big hit in China.jpg

Man Utd make regular visits to Asia and are proving a big hit in China.jpg (19.2 KB)
203 x 152 PIXEL下載

You'll Never Walk Alone
好想睇Man Utd
Rooney and C.Ronaldo !!!
Strongly Disapproving.

1. Different qualities of foreign stadium.
2. Disruption of games in other countries
3. Different qualities of referees
4. Different adaptability of air, weather, accomodation, etc.
5. Unfairness
they think they dont have enough games to play already?
Originally posted by Edgar_Davids at 2008-2-8 18:45:
Strongly Disa...
從商業角度黎睇, 佢地可能恐怕英國市場總有飽和既一日, 於是放眼世界, 務求賺取更多收益及增加世界既市場佔有率.

從運動角度黎講, 會達到推廣英超聯賽既作用, 如果晌香港見到愛隊踢波仲係賞心樂事添. 但係, 英國聯賽同兩個盃賽既賽期已經好多, 晌聖誕快車過後, 尤其係 1 月轉會窗期間, 更加係各隊傾球員買賣及力爭上游既一個關鍵時刻, 跟住仲有歐洲賽同國際賽要應付, 如果仲要舟車勞頓, 恐怕對球員黎講會辛苦左 D , 而競技水準亦難免會降低, 仲要計算落聯賽榜就更加無謂 ...... 同意 Edgar Davids 兄所講, 不同城市既環境等方面會對球賽構成不公平情況. 除非佢地諗到 D "絕世好橋" 啦, 否則與其晌球季開始緊既時候去第二度踢, 不如開季前或者收咧之後晌唔同地區搞表演賽仲好啦 ......  

[ Last edited by terencey on 2008-2-8 at 07:47 PM ]
You'll Never Walk Alone
係香港踢既一定唔會係big 4
如果big 4我估會係韓國或者日本踢
.....more matches and 1 match in the oversea countires....

so they just try to make more money....
球隊係賺到錢, 但長遠對球隊唔會有好處...
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
nba都玩緊呢樣野, 英超有咁既諗法好多可能係班美國班主提出
但同人地唔同既係除左英超, 佢地仲有本地/歐洲杯賽+國家隊賽事, 邊有可能仲加多場波? 仲要係"遠征"喎!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » (BBC News) 英超考慮於海外舉行賽事

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