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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 阿仙奴又俾球證玩死!
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Truth – you are right, Assistant referees are really important, that’s why I teach assistant referees in my church soccer league, ‘don’t dream in all 90 mins’ But from the law of the Games, Assistant Referee is running side line on left side in defending half – in first 2 incidents – there’d be happened in right side in defending half – at least 40 to 50 yards of both incidents and some players may block their views – seems assistant referees couldn’t see both incidents clearly.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Another thing I really would like to point out -- Referee is not easy to do it -- seriously.

I believe a lot of people in here, he/she may never be refereeing a real game -- I mean in any league or in competition. There'd be a lot of pressure for any referees in charge for a game.
Referees must remember all the rules in their heads, deal with players/substitutes/coaches/managers on the field. There'd be mentally strong to deal with these -- especially you need to make decision with in 1/5 seconds during incident and 1/2 people on the field may upset your decision -- or could be all people upset your decision

Remember I am not talking about spectators factor in here already -- there could be nightmare as you never be on field.

I feel really annoying as if referee made some bad decision -- people in here, just think they are corrupted -- it'd be stupid thinking -- referee couldn't gamble -- and they can't share their feelings after the game in media -- what can they do?

Just be mature -- something maybe not going the way you are thinking -- even good or bad -- it maybe not what'd be happened that you are thinking in your head -- think wider

If you can make mistakes in your life, then why they can't make mistakes? I am not saying there'd be right as these referees made some mistakes....

They may never mean for this!

Also, there'd be a case that is corruption between referees, but how many % in reality? 0.00000001? there'd be about 100,000 games around the world every day! Don't use microscope to say REFEREES ARE CORRUPTED in BIG COMPETITION!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
特別依ga 既防線...


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 阿仙奴又俾球證玩死!

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