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[F1]Super Aguri走入歷史

在一片惋惜聲中,Super Aguri剛剛發表了重大聲明,宣佈退出F1舞台。之前試圖救亡圖存的緊急動作並沒有生效,留下了39場出賽、4分車隊積分以及2007年度排名第九的記錄。


鈴木亞久里並對所有員工及兩位傑出的車手 Anthony Davidson和佐藤琢磨致上最深的敬意,感謝他們在過去這段時間辛勤的工作及無悔的付出。



Super Aguri Formula One Team has today announced its withdrawal from the 2008 FIA Formula One World Championship.

Participating in Formula One since the 2006 season, the Team, which scored its first championship points after only 22 races (Spanish Grand Prix, 2007) and finished ninth overall in the 2007 Constructors’ Championship, will cease all activities as of 6th May 2008.

Aguri Suzuki, Team Principal, SUPER AGURI F1 TEAM

“In order to realize my dream to become an owner of a Formula One Team, I applied for a grid position in the FIA Formula One World Championship in November 2005. Since then, I have participated in the championship for 2 years and 4 months as the SUPER AGURI F1 TEAM, but regretfully I must inform you that the team will be ceasing its racing activities as of today.

The team has competed against the many car manufacturer backed teams and has succeeded in obtaining the first points after only the 22nd race finishing in 9th place overall in the 2007 Constructors’ Championship. However, the breach of contract by the promised partner SS United Group Company Limited resulted in the loss of financial backing and immediately put the team into financial difficulties. Also, the change in direction of the environment surrounding the team, in terms of the use of customer chassis, has affected our ability to find partners.

Meanwhile, with the help of Honda, we have somehow managed to keep the team going, but we find it difficult to establish a way to continue the activities in the future within the environment surrounding F1 and as a result, I have concluded to withdraw from the Championship.

I would like to express my deepest thanks to Honda, Bridgestone, the sponsors, all the people who have given us advise during various situations over the past couple of years all the Team Staff who have kept their motivations high and always done their best, Anthony Davidson who has always pushed to the limit despite the very difficult conditions, Takuma Sato who has been with us from the very start and has always fought hard and led the team and lastly our fans from all over the world who have loyally supported the SUPER AGURI F1 TEAM."

好可惜, 始終都係捱唔住 ......
真係好精彩, 亦為佢地取下寶貴既三分
個陣我仲以為佢地陸續有黎 ... 點知係之後半季都冇乜成績
而家搞成咁, 真係有d可惜 ~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » [F1]Super Aguri走入歷史

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