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NBA Best "Shortest" Power Forward (以愈矮愈好計..)

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NBA 最佳"最矮"大前鋒  (NBA Best "Shortest" Power Forward)

以下都係 NBA 內 6-9 或以下, 比較有名的大前鋒 (PF):
Jason Maxiell  6-7  260lbs  Yr2   肌肉內線
Brandon Bass  6-8  240lbs  Yr2   快速內線
Craig Smith  6-8  250lbs  Yr1   肌肉內線
Elton Brand  6-8  254lbs  Yr8   技術肌肉內線
Tyrus Thomas  6-8  215lbs  Yr1   快速內線
Carlos Boozer  6-9  266lbs  Yr5   技術肌肉內線
Zach Randolph  6-9  260lbs  Yr6   全能技術內線
David West  6-9  240lbs  Yr4   全能技術內線
Carl Landry  6-9  248lbs  YrR   野獸內線
Luis Scola  6-9  245lbs  YrR   技術內線
Kenyon Martin  6-9  240lbs  Yr7   野獸內線
Antawn Jamison  6-9  235lbs Yr9   全能大小前鋒搖擺技術內線

現時 NBA 有不少高大的 PF, 如 KG, Tim Duncan, Nowitzki, Lamar Odom 等
而小前鋒亦愈來愈高, 如 Lewis, Prince 等

史上有名的 PF, Dennis Rodman 亦只是 6-8, 但又是籃板王, 又有多個總冠軍
現在又有哪個 "Shortest" PF 可以比肩呢 ??

for example: 如果你覺得 Boozer 同 Brand 比, 接近但好少少
但係因為 Brand 比較矮, 應該投佢一票而唔係 Boozer
just example...  Thx !!
sorry, the best one in NBA history should be Sir Charles Barkley.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2008-5-8 09:40:
sorry, the best one in NBA history should be Sir Charles Barkley.
he said "有名", he didnt say "the best"...
I would say both are great players!!!
Yui is rock!!!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2008-5-8 09:40 AM:
sorry, the best one in NBA history should be Sir Charles Barkley.
哈哈.. 別激動別激動
Charles Barkely is also very good
i also like him so much
他的 6-6 身高打出這樣的比賽真的很強噢 !!

不過, Sir 會去 mark MJ 的
所以講 PF 時, 一時之間想起大蟲先了
haha.. cos you are talking the "best" one...
actually they got a lot of GREAT "short" PF
Do you remember E. Baylor?

He's not tall and playing power forward

anyway, great topic, long time not seeing some great post like this...!!!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
where is Sir Charles???
Even magic was PF
Judgeing from the list from the poster, i think the dis.cussion should be focus on the performance of this season~ Bringing up Sir is boring donut man is a legend & the most reconise undersize PF of all time

My vote for the best~ West! He is so underrated this guy can score he rebounds and setting that high screen with that wide body for CP! he hits the FT block shots just the complete package! Like battier i think these guys prove that 4yrs in college gives you good fundamental of the game~~

Jammmmmmison a close 2nd, he plays 79 games this season carrying the wiz to the playoffs when gil and bulter are down!!

And the suprise one i think is maxiel, he is the spark from the bench! Last yr he only know how to hustle and dunk but this season he add the spot up jumper to his game which i think is a great sign of improvment~
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Charles Brakely  ONLY 6'4 FIT
Originally posted by akakak777 at 2008-5-9 01:43 AM:
Charles Brakely  ONLY 6'4 FIT
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA Best "Shortest" Power Forward (以愈矮愈好計..)

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