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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Entfun YFF : Euro 08
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Originally posted by Ice at 2008-6-6 05:54 PM:
My recommendations:
Lehmann -...
very good analysis

my current team:
frei, klose, olic (subs: gomes, baros, larsson)
ballack, schweinsteiga, petric, narsi (subs: kallstrom, kranjcar)
mellberg, corluka, gryera (subs: radoi)
lehmann (subs: pletikosa)

should change narsi if he is not first team~

1. "In addition to your active squad you must buy one substitute per position (Goal, Defence, Midfield, Attack). In case one of your players on the pitch doesn`t receive any points your substitute will jump in and will be evaluated instead. "

2. "Once you`ve bought all the players for your squad you`ll be able modify your team line-up before each match."

究竟係正選傷左先有得出副選? (1)
定一話d subs有比賽就可以edit lineup出佢地? (2)

e.g.我而家有nuno gomes, 即係我要放佢入正選???
定一話有人傷, gomes replace正選佢先有分???

You can change your captain at any time.

我諗我明喇, 雖然唔太sure

[ Last edited by 艾力克 on 2008-6-7 at 07:50 PM ]
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2008-6-7 07:32 PM:

1. "In a...
i think it should be the one like YFF before that you can change your lineup, captain and squad formation anytime but it will onlybe  valid for next phase (like YFF next week). And the subsitute is just for any bad luck to replace the lower point or missing for your line up player in each position.

After the first day, even the players are the subsitute, their points are still calculated in the total amount so that it should be no need to change the lineup everyday. However, there are questions that whether the total point is based on 11 or 11 with the substitutes and whether yahoo would automatically replace the subsitute high point with the lineup low point one, we could know this after these two days

And i used C7 as captain, still bring luck to me

Hope all will enjoy the euro08, so nice match last night

[ Last edited by 2000 on 2008-6-8 at 05:53 PM ]
Originally posted by 2000 at 2008-6-8 05:51 PM:
i think it should be the one li...
i was so frustrated with this system

frei, n.gomes, streller, behrami, barnetta are all in the lineup (switzerland and portugal)

while CAPTAIN klose, m.gomez, petric, frings, schweinsteiga are my subs!!!

wht's the point if we can't change the lineup or the subs. does not hv pts, while it allowed us to hv a max of 21 players

P.S. the msg board there is full of complaint
i was so frustrated with this system
I also agree with that.If cannot change the line up then I rather buy all the cheapest player for sub.Beside that it also cannot view other people line up and the player stats.How this suppose to be?
本身用派迪高沙只係諗住穩穩陣陣一個Clean Sheet + 個win算數
Originally posted by eqhigh at 2008-6-9 01:46:
本身用派迪高沙只係諗住穩穩陣陣一個Clean Sheet + 個win算數
me too.
You'll Never Walk Alone
Originally posted by eqhigh at 2008-6-9 01:46 AM:
本身用派迪高沙只係諗住穩穩陣陣一個Clean Sheet + 個win算數
Clean Sheet (Goalkeeper only) 5 points
Win 4 points

個個嬴1:0, 2:0 o既龍門都係得9分

計分方法又有問題, lineup方面又寫到唔清唔楚

之前仲試過petric攞90分, linz攞45分 (而家改番), 真係不知所謂

玩依個game簡直晒緊我時間, 等我仲咁認真玩

你地睇下o個個度msg board就知個game俾人鬧到媽媽聲喇

[ Last edited by 艾力克 on 2008-6-9 at 09:07 AM ]
Originally posted by eqhigh at 9-6-2008 01:46:
本身用派迪高沙只係諗住穩穩陣陣一個Clean Sheet + 個win算數
Petr Cech  Czech Republic 19,0 Mil. 9
Jens Lehmann  Germany 10,0 Mil. 9
Ricardo Pereira  Portugal 7,0 Mil. 9
Stipe Pletikosa  Croatia 7,0 Mil. 9

All 9 points,

no saves counted...
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 8-6-2008 20:40:

i was so frustrated with this sys...
Why I hadn't faced the same problems as you....

The players in my bank of subs are still "Pavlychenko + Kallstrom + Senderos"....

Are you sure you've put Klose in line-up....???
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Entfun YFF : Euro 08

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