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原帖由 harvey22 於 2008-7-23 10:10 PM 發表
Childress 2 Olympiakos  Didnt see that coming!!!

Does anyone know how that works? Can the hawks match the greeks offer? Coz Childrees is a RFA
32.5million, 點match呀  (2倍有多)
d錢留番黎keep josh smith, 再希望childress下年summer會返黎

childress to greece
giricek to europe
brezec to rome
nachbar to russia

1. Utah Jazz Acquires Brevin Knight from L.A. Clippers for Jason Hart

2. New Orleans signs James Posey

3. New Jersey acquires Keyon Dooling from Orlando in exchange for cash considerations.

4. Nets send Marcus Williams West to Golden State Warriors

5. Milwaukee signs Tyronn Lue
原帖由 R-Star 於 2008-7-24 11:15 AM 發表

32.5million, 點match呀  (2倍有多)
d錢留番黎keep josh smith, 再希望childress下年summer會返黎

childress to greece
giricek to europe
brezec to rome
nachbar to russia

個draft排到r10就排唔倒:red ...
我講得衰,我意思係好似hawks就算想match都唔得,因為not nba team?
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
原帖由 harvey22 於 2008-7-25 12:22 AM 發表
我講得衰,我意思係好似hawks就算想match都唔得,因為not nba team?
Former Atlanta Hawks swingman Josh Childress is leaving the NBA for Europe.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on its Web site that Childress, a restricted free agent, has signed a three-year contract with Olympiakos of Greece.

Yahoo.com reported on Monday that Childress, who averaged 11.8 points and 4.9 rebounds last season, had an offer on the table from Olympiakos for more than $20 million over three years. But Hawks general manager Rick Sund told the AJC on Monday that the four-year pro was just exploring his options.

The newspaper reported Monday the Hawks had a deal on the table worth nearly $36 million, with a first-year salary in excess of the mid-level exception of $5.6 million.

While the Hawks could match any offer from another NBA team for Childress, they do not have the ability to match an offer from a European team.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution的記者Sekou Smith表示,Childress的離開是老鷹的一大損失,根據NBA薪資條例,老鷹是不能比照Olympiakos的開價留人的,因為 Olympiakos並非NBA球隊,不過日後Childress想要回NBA,他仍屬老鷹的「受限」自由球員,老鷹可以保留他的續約權至少兩年

childress賺夠錢屈夠機, 依一兩年summer都可以返番黎鷹隊打波
原帖由 R-Star 於 2008-7-25 01:19 AM 發表

Former Atlanta Hawks swingman Josh Childress is leaving the NBA for Europe.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on its Web site that Childress, a restricted free agent, has signed a three-year ...
所以Childress呢一步真係一流~ 每一方面也贏,後路也set好,唯一係要離開美國,過打開NBA成日飛佢一定無問題~ Euro都有offseason吧lol!~ 如果呢果爆炸頭證明到呢條橋work的話,有邊個會唔記得佢!包括fatboy stern~~

建議那個那個那個artest唔好再自己做agent la,請J.Chill果個啦
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
仲有,我係反nba的 ~ 所以見到仲有Gum多players (biedrins/vujacic) 想去euro,感角非常良好!!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Clippers Sign Free Agent Ricky Davis
Grizzlies forward Brown agrees to two-year deal with Pistons
The bucks are getting really strong in the point guard position.don't know why they are oging in that direction
Pistons has signed kwame Brown for a 2-year deal, with 8 million in total...

http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news ... ov=ap&type=lgns
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