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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 吹水版 » IQ大挑戰 » 一道非常強大的智力測試題~!!
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我大膽推斷, 呢個問題係冇答案, 大家認唔認同?
all prisoners should guess the same colour.  as the choice of the colour of the paint is random, the white:black ratio is likely to be 1:1.  however, it will not be the actual case and there should be more doors with one colour than the other.  if the prisoners are lucky enough, they will pick the correct colour.  i know it will not the 'real' answer, but this is a fair gamble and not a bad answer.
Since everyone sees every other person's colour on the way to the King, they should each tally up the amount of black-coloured doors and white-coloured doors and tell the King the colour that are on MOST doors. E.g. If a prisoner sees 52 black doors then he should answer 'black'. Using this method, the majority of prisoners will get their colour right.

This method will absolutely work for all situations except for one. The exception is when there are 51 whites and 50 blacks (or vice versa). In this case, all prisoners with black doors would be wrong and and some of the prisoners with white doors (facing a 50-50 proposition) will also be wrong -> Majority will be wrong.

However the chances of painting 51 whites and 50 blacks (or vice versa) is extremely small:

Probability = (101 C 50) / 2^101 = slightly less than 8%

Thus this is likely the optimum strategy. (RIght? LOL)

Could Mr Poster plz reply to see if this analysis is right?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 吹水版 » IQ大挑戰 » 一道非常強大的智力測試題~!!

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