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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 有時去麥記 / KFC 食野真係好鬼忟 ~
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m 記依家個電腦系統咪重白痴多鬼餘,,* ]4 `1 B; |. E
order 完野叫人等,後面既同事睇電腦"執野"
  |3 ^) I1 A) V但係個個等既人咪又係企係個收銀前等...( m3 s! Z2 x9 O$ b% V2 |


1 f. b2 \+ \9 L9 {3 J如果慢只有一個原因,d crew廢,m記用埋d沒質素的crew,速度當然慢。
- i5 d+ U5 U# O: c' F2 r) P但鬼叫m記人工低,而家有d實力的crew都走晒
終於知道發生咩事喇, 真係好耐冇去麥記食野
# w7 ^' d7 H: Z# U. v, v: @* e1 Q) H, C, E0 O
前幾日去m記, 有5-6個counter, 每個都係得0-2個人
' i% [4 s' k% [1 k! @4 U. B明明算少人, 但唔知點解要等咁耐, 同以前tailor-make一個飽o既時間差唔多, 搞到我企起度都唔知仲乜+ l; Q" l8 P4 K- D0 u
7 O+ y/ W- ]. [3 E9 C
等等等, 等左3-5mins
' n& u$ E7 h* T& H. J/ s( i6 m. H7 q! j" E- z
如果改變係令到個service差左o既, 一係就變番之前, 一係就再變好d
! z4 G/ C  H, J8 [最緊要係佢地知道有問題存在
5 M! r$ f8 z! r# n7 @" u係唔係真係咁都唔等得呢
你係有$$ 可以去高級餐廳....唔洗去m記同kfc
依家m記分開左兩個程序去做.. 比之前好似仲拖慢左咁
5 D  R4 r' ?. @5 P" [+ y1 E/ g而且仲搞到前面有成堆人係度等3 A3 d1 _4 H  }: ~5 m% J
有時佢個電腦hand左.. 等得仲耐- -"
. y6 m3 x. H. h3 h2 q# @7 ]我個人覺得KFC既問題不大.. 可能比較多野要執na
I am not sure about HK...
6 q" _! e. V1 e; B. Y# ebut in North America, they do it in the same way too and I think most of the time they do it pretty fast (note that, I have tried McDonalds at a lot of different places.....)7 {8 K: N$ R- U) Q
The cashier person makes the order on the computer.  Staff at the back read the order and make the food.  (In North America, most of the stores even have 1 or 2 extra cashier counters for "drive-thru")  After that, the cashier would mostly just need to put the fries in the "red" paper tray and put all the food inside the bag.+ y9 ^9 x' n/ Y9 s4 n. {* T/ t

0 V( Y# t" H8 l9 m1 sOne of the problem with the HK McDonalds is that they have a lot of more special choices compare with the ones in North America.  When I visit HK, almost 90% of the time (day time), the McDonalds in HK are very busy.  That kind of work load would never exist in McDonalds in North America.
0 a8 F* v: X. e# v2 f; i5 f$ t/ R* K  s) I' d6 {  `" }- p5 S) `
In my opinion, for people in HK will just have to be patient....or you guys will have to request the store to hire more people to work.....
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 有時去麥記 / KFC 食野真係好鬼忟 ~

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