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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» Sports討論版 » 北京奧運2008 » 孫海平勳人地說: 劉翔出賽是在玩命
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原帖由 打狗棒 於 2008-8-19 05:04 PM 發表
有時睇嘢唔好睇表面, 等於唔係有人爆幕後代唱事件, 又有誰會知道真相?
跑不動或是怕輸不敢跑, 現在誰也說不準, 在共產黨統治下的中國, 甚麼事也可以是假, 請不要過份天真!!! ...
then I don't understand the point...

even if he can't win the gold medal....at least he would get a second place (silver)....
why would he hestitate to play in the match?
原帖由 slwong3 於 2008-8-19 08:43 PM 發表

then I don't understand the point...

even if he can't win the gold medal....at least he would get a second place (silver)....
why would he hestitate to play in the match?
原帖由 打狗棒 於 2008-8-19 05:04 PM 發表
有時睇嘢唔好睇表面, 等於唔係有人爆幕後代唱事件, 又有誰會知道真相?
跑不動或是怕輸不敢跑, 現在誰也說不準, 在共產黨統治下的中國, 甚麼事也可以是假, 請不要過份天真!!! ...

''劉翔出賽是在玩命!' - 老外記者聽唔到呢句, 因為即時翻譯特登唔譯, 呢啲就係中國式記者會.
原帖由 shehboy 於 2008-8-20 04:41 AM 發表
''劉翔出賽是在玩命!' - 老外記者聽唔到呢句, 因為即時翻譯特登唔譯, 呢啲就係中國式記者會.
Don't they remember some Westerners also know Chinese language???
原帖由 打狗棒 於 2008-8-19 05:04 PM 發表
有時睇嘢唔好睇表面, 等於唔係有人爆幕後代唱事件, 又有誰會知道真相?
跑不動或是怕輸不敢跑, 現在誰也說不準, 在共產黨統治下的中國, 甚麼事也可以是假, 請不要過份天真!!! ...

原帖由 amdintel 於 2008-8-21 08:10 AM 發表


佢跑唔跑或跑唔郁都唔係主題,係我地中國人點 ...
I totally agree with you that we should stand on the atheletes' side to think.

On the other hand, I don't understand why people would think 劉翔 is afraid to lose and that's why he pretends he is injury.

Right now, China needs as many medals as possible.  Even a silver medal would make them looks nice on the medal table.  If 劉翔 can play in the run, even he can't win the gold medal, he can at least get the second place (silver).  

If I am 劉翔, why don't I still join the run, if I really lose and got a second place, then I can just blame on the injury and say I was not at 100% during the match?  I would pretend that I lose but I still join the run because I am pretending the Chinese citizens.

Wouldn't that even sound more nice if his injury is really a fake?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» Sports討論版 » 北京奧運2008 » 孫海平勳人地說: 劉翔出賽是在玩命

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