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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 財多學錢 » HSBC 71.3無得救??
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HSBC 71.3無得救??

有無巴打已經入左? 定係覺得佢已經無得救
入左不過後悔中, adr, 得返$65
the investment firms wanna make money to cover their loss from the crisis
they've been doing that several weeks ago, remember?
but it didn't work, so they wanna do the same trick 1 more time
they spread the rumor that it would drop to 60, so they wanna scare u guys out n sell it, but guess 60 didn't bluff u off
so they will try 50 this time
they are aiming for HSBC as their core focus because they have only 1 shot since the damage all people take from this crisis is severe, and HSBC is definitely the safest one since they can't bear to lose the tiny amount of money they left
remember this, these people may look rich, but not exactly as they don't own their properties
these people are all aggressive and they tend to be willing to bear risk
so they should only have a little cash equivalent on hand
especially the market was looking great, i bet all of them have done quite some additional investments such as real estate or cars at that time, they should be in huge debt now, they can't last too long, the evidence will start to appear at the end of this month
therefore, if the current holders sell their shares, they will be able to make up their loss
it is just a way to shift other people's money into their own pocket, so their loss will go to u from them
so poor becomes poorer, the economy will really die out
it's not like shifting the fire to the bottom level, so u can get away and become safe, if the bottom of the building is being burnt down, the whole building will collapse at the end anyways
hold tight, they won't last long, they can't cover up the real story behind this time

*just as a reminder, these people control the game, when a ship sinks, what do u think they would do? they r the sailors who tell u the lifeboat is unsafe or they r gonna make it through the storm and they will travel away with the boat while u give up the boat when its obviously some people will not be saved for sure, they know the best what the situation is and if the ship is capable to bear the storm or not, but we should all know that no ships can get through this storm unless u weren't on the ship right from the beginning
sell it asap n buy them back at 55->60
Around $60, buy, $55 buy again, sell them all at about $70
原帖由 chansuper123 於 2009-1-15 05:21 PM 發表
Around $60, buy, $55 buy again, sell them all at about $70
what if reach 50....48..46..45....?? reach your bottomline?? think now!!
原帖由 d228216 於 2009-1-15 11:04 PM 發表
what if reach 50....48..46..45....?? reach your bottomline?? think now!!
What r u talking about?
原帖由 rolexho 於 2009-9-6 05:56 PM 發表

What r u talking about?
the fact is when the price went $3X, most people will cut loss....so I suggest don't buy when HSBC is dropping...
why don't wait it rebound and rising to push in ?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 財多學錢 » HSBC 71.3無得救??

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