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阿仙奴就和左, 唉,呢場真係睇到唔想睇...

[ 本帖最後由 brightlee 於 2009-2-9 11:37 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 fcukyoukelly 於 2009-2-9 08:49 AM 發表

阿仙奴就和左, 唉,呢場真係睇到唔想睇...
現實d, 當阿仙奴係一隊爭4,5位既球隊, 即係對手係愛華頓, 維拉同韋根果d, 會唔會好睇番d?

btw, 阿仙奴今季大家都跌晒眼鏡....
Arsenal bothers a lot by the injuries and limitations of budget.  If they are full team, they can play better. (but on the other hand, they won't buy Arshavin)
原帖由 filter-052fans 於 2009-2-9 09:19 AM 發表

現實d, 當阿仙奴係一隊爭4,5位既球隊, 即係對手係愛華頓, 維拉同韋根果d, 會唔會好睇番d?

btw, 阿仙奴今季大家都跌晒眼鏡....
原帖由 samuriapoon 於 2009-2-9 12:06 PM 發表
Arsenal bothers a lot by the injuries and limitations of budget.  If they are full team, they can play better. (but on the other hand, they won't buy Arshavin)
They have a budget, but they don't want to spend them.  Its the negative side of Wenger.  
They are rather interesting this year though, they are doing alright against the other big 3, but just failing to ease past the other teams.
lol i dont think arsenal have limited transfer budget omg..
less than realmadrid man utd and chelsea doesnt mean its a small budget..
arshavin how much? nasri?
how many players have chelsea bought so far in this season?
i personally think that ferguson is doing good in transfer market these years..
he kept old players, put in new players one by one to fit in the team..
wenger got excellent sight in buying players yet he just couldnt manage them well..
原帖由 Kev 於 2009-2-9 08:09 PM 發表
lol i dont think arsenal have limited transfer budget omg..
less than realmadrid man utd and chelsea doesnt mean its a small budget..
arshavin how much? nasri?
how many players have chelsea bought so ...
終於聽到d o岩聽既.....

唔好成日講到阿仙奴一毫子都無啦唔該, 人地老細講明有3000萬比佢,
係阿雲生唔鐘意用, 佢要投資落d細路度, 要佢地一鋪番本....

我同意kev講, keep番d老球員係好重要...

試諗下如果蘇金寶, 皮理斯, 韋拉, 基拔圖施華之流, 係咪可以踢多幾季先賣佢地好d?
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