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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Manchester United Accept Real Madrid Bid for Ronaldo
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原帖由 jordi 於 2009-6-11 11:14 PM 發表
有無人諗過格拉沙用o麗 80M 還債呢 ?
Not a chance. Their best player will have left by the time he gets the 80m and you're saying that he won't be looking for a replacement? You can't just let your best player leave and head into the next season like that. They didn't even win the Champions League with him, suggesting that they need to improve their squad. If Real successfully purchases Ronaldo, they'll have one of the best formations with Kaka and Ronaldo, making it even more difficult for United to win the Champions League. Meanwhile, Chelsea is looking to strengthen their squad to challenge United for the EPL. United will have to spend part of the 80m.
C7走人絕對係意料中事, 問題係由上季到而家, 曼聯似乎仲未搵到target, 咁耐只係得一個只聞樓梯響既華蘭西亞....

其實由於蘭尼同杜錫進度未餘理想, 上季好多時間, 朗尼甚至青年軍馬捷達同韋碧克都要客串左翼...

就算計埋朴志星, 曼聯都係邊路球員不足, 係大家FANS大罵反骨仔走人好野之餘, 更應該想呢個問題...

列貝利, 大衛施華等都係不切實際之選, 而且亦會係天價, 餘下黎又去番1000多萬既華蘭西亞身上....

03年賣走碧咸, 因為有目標朗拿顛奴, 但今時今日, 我睇唔到佢地有咩target....
原帖由 jordi 於 2009-6-11 11:14 PM 發表 有無人諗過格拉沙用o麗 80M 還債呢 ?
no way, from the business point of view the loan shouldnt be repaid that early.
Man utd has the ability to generate profit they need for all the expenses including the huge amount of interest charged every month till 2049(as i rmb).
The reason to take such a huge debt is that they foresee the return to be earned is more than enough to cover the cost of the debt (interest expense).
That makes no point at all to repay half of the debt (80m) at this moment. They would rather spend this money on investment on assets (in this case buying players), to generate more future profit.
Also the huge gain from the selling of c.ron gave rise to a high level of tax to be paid at the end of this year. The huge interest charges could therefore offset a great proportion of  the profit that man utd earned.
If they simply repay 80m to settle half of their debt, the tax on the revenue gained from the sale of c ron would still be taxed and there would be less interest expense to offset the large amount of tax expense.
因為我相信c7 d波衫同埋其他收益長遠計應該唔會少得過呢個數 (只是我自己估計)
買咩星級球員都係假的 列貝利?大衛施華?我唔覺得佢地適合踢英超
同埋 揹得起七號波衫的 不是那些大名氣球員

始終 費蛇因為就退休 想打造一隊佢退左休都要以有十幾年玩既紅魔俾下一任玩
第時打winning 曼聯冇C7 點好玩架
原帖由 terryjog06 於 2009-6-12 01:19 AM 發表
第時打winning 曼聯冇C7 點好玩架
if you are talking about the game, then just use Real Madrid yourself.....
原帖由 slwong3 於 2009-6-12 04:58 AM 發表

if you are talking about the game, then just use Real Madrid yourself.....
其實c7對曼聯係咪真係咁重要!?如果你話上一季,佢係...一個人全季四十幾球wor...但係今季,除左係球場行行企企,我只係有印象對住villa果場追和,再由macheda反前,佢叫做significant d...其他時候其實佢都經常性甩波,又唔追. 好似有d場數,角球解圍,佢就一味跑,甩左波,再輸埋都試過...(e.g. porto 1st leg) ...


至於代替者....其實ribery呢個選擇係唔錯,加上bayern一向都係遇o岩價就賣.不過亦有可能費sir已經有d後生仔人選. 講到不假外求...其實nani,park ji sung如果俾多d機會佢地,未必踢唔到水準.加上下年回收manucho,frazier campbell, 加埋welbeck,macheda, rooney berbatov, 大可考慮將有速度既campbell同welbeck改為翼鋒.
原帖由 filter-052fans 於 2009-6-11 11:40 PM 發表
C7走人絕對係意料中事, 問題係由上季到而家, 曼聯似乎仲未搵到target, 咁耐只係得一個只聞樓梯響既華蘭西亞....

其實由於蘭尼同杜錫進度未餘理想, 上季好多時間, 朗尼甚至青年軍馬捷達同韋碧克都要客串左翼...

就 ...
maybe it's another surprise this time....

Ronney---7,  Benzema--10

or sending the new kid..the one signed with Tosic at the same time to wear no.7!~~~~(a repeat of what SAF did 6 years ago~~gave the no.7 to a 18 year-old kid~~)

and i dont think Ribery is coming...as Bayern will definitely rip man utd off as they know man utd is freaking rich now~~~~gonna rise up the price as much as possible....
原帖由 skyhookii 於 2009-6-11 08:26 PM 發表

Real life situation: If Franck Ribery wants to leave, Bayern will not keep him for another year and let him go as a free agent. In that case, they are extremely likely to sell him and Man Utd will th ...
Ribery has just finished his 2nd year contract with Bayern and still have 2 more years to go~~~ (his contract ends at july 2010)
Bayern should probably try to sell him instead of tellingeveryone he's NOT FOR SALE or only accept mega offer like 50Mgbp...orheaps of contract extension news is being released...

Bayern has just signed a new coach and going to expand their squad~~there's no point for them to release their key player unless he requests to leave like C7 or being dumped by club for money (like kaka)
it seems that nothing of the above cases is going to happen on Bayern and Ribery~~~

and at least 40M for Ribery....personally, he doesnt worth that much~~~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Manchester United Accept Real Madrid Bid for Ronaldo

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