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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fantasy NBA League 2009 - 2010
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harvey22 發表於 2010-1-29 04:04 PM
this is my BOSS Idea,Not mine think
本帖最後由 Xtravagant 於 2010-1-30 12:55 PM 編輯
this is my BOSS Idea,Not mine think
Rated-R 發表於 2010-1-29 08:24 PM
Garcia won't be back soon... perhaps you want to go with someone hot and try to win this week instead!

K.Lowry will be out for awhile... Brooks gonna have all the minutes at the backcourt...

Good luck. The two recent trades hopefully will boost your team.
Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150
Garcia won't be back soon... perhaps you want to go with someone hot and try to win this week instead!

K.Lowry will be out for awhile... Brooks gonna have all the minutes at the backcourt...

Good ...
Xtravagant 發表於 2010-1-30 12:36 PM
佢真係有性格! 哈哈,到我用中文佢就用英文回我lol~
Anyways, i think i will try wavie artest after seeing his line 2day :_)
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
320# Rated-R

ok! 會試試 as long as the mins are there!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Garcia won't be back soon... perhaps you want to go with someone hot and try to win this week instead!

K.Lowry will be out for awhile... Brooks gonna have all the minutes at the backcourt...

Good ...
Xtravagant 發表於 2010-1-30 12:36 PM
Yes! Garcia 可以係果種hold2個禮拜, 但keep唔多過3日果種人.
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Yes! Garcia 可以係果種hold2個禮拜, 但keep唔多過3日果種人.
harvey22 發表於 2010-1-30 02:52 PM
睇完今日D Result,覺得好似明搶AI過檔,有D唔好意思,所以我公告你任何時間皆可以用折扣換J-Rich/BG
我冇必要不會打英文,因為我想用手寫識別練多D中文字,尋晚打英文只是我車的CP是eng ver
佢真係有性格! 哈哈,到我用中文佢就用英文回我lol~
Anyways, i think i will try wavie artest after seeing his line 2day :_)
harvey22 發表於 2010-1-30 02:47 PM
本帖最後由 Xtravagant 於 2010-1-30 06:35 PM 編輯
睇完今日D Result,覺得好似明搶AI過檔,有D唔好意思,所以我公告你任何時間皆可以用折扣換J-Rich/BG
Rated-R 發表於 2010-1-30 06:05 PM
拒大把彈藥又領先成個le o甘多吾會有事既 你顧惦自己上番岸先再理拒啦 haha

我對今年既GWALL期望好高...所以先肯用Perkins + BG 同你換。本來個trade係公平, 估吾到你o甘吾好彩... hohoho!

今年artest咪同C.brewer差吾多。D人用#1 去waive拒番來都係看在名氣份上。實質係下下策。
Plus, he's only a 4th or 5th scoring option on the Lakers...
Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150
拒大把彈藥又領先成個le o甘多吾會有事既 你顧惦自己上番岸先再理拒啦 haha

我對今年既GWALL期望好高...所以先肯用Perkins + BG 同你換。本來個trade係公平, 估吾到你o甘吾好彩... hohoho! ...
Xtravagant 發表於 2010-1-30 06:27 PM
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fantasy NBA League 2009 - 2010

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