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[車迷區] Toyota gas pedal recall woes spread to Peugeot / Citroën in Europe

The massive Toyota sticking-accelerator pedal recall has spread from the United States to Europe and even beyond Toyota-branded vehicles. Approximately 90,000 Peugeot 107 and CitroënC1 minicars have been added to the list of afflicted models. PSA, theparent of Peugeot and Citroën, has a joint venture with Toyota in theCzech Republic that produces the 107, C1 and the related Toyota Aygo.

The minis share the same electronic pedal assembly design used in the2.3 million Toyotas being recalled in North America, as well a 1.8million vehicles in Europe. In addition to the Aygo, Toyota hasidentified the iQ, Yaris, Auris, Corolla, Verso, Avensis and Rav4 inEurope. In total Toyota is recalling 7.5 million vehicles worldwide.

We don't know for sure but it seems unlikely with this many vehiclesinvolved around the world that CTS is the sole supplier of these parts.If CTS is not the only supplier then it appears likely that the issueis more of a design problem than a manufacturing issue at one plant orsupplier. It is also possible that it could be a software issueunrelated to the hardware itself.

Update: We checked with Toyota spokesman Curt McAllister who confirmed that Denso is the other major supplier of this pedal assembly.

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 車迷區 » Toyota gas pedal recall woes spread to Peugeot / Citroën in Europe

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