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Arsenal's Bid For Grenier Rejected

It is being reported by French media that Arsenal had a bid submitted and rejected for Lyon’s Clement Grenier. The bid was reportedly around £6m. Lyon is keen not to sell their asset, but they might be forced to sell him if a good bid comes in reports claim.
Arsenal is understood to be very much interested in the 22 year old French youngster and may improve the bid, but there hasn’t been any indication in that context.
Lyon’s chairman Aulas has reportedly titled the bid as Disrespectful. Lyon wants to keep hold of Grenier but the situation is quite similar to what Arsenal faced last season with Van Persie. Grenier has only one year left on his current contract and Arsenal has been keeping an eye on him and now they believe is the right time to strike.

Grenier’s case is a little complicated. Lyon claims that they will be successful in convincing Grenier to extend his current contract, but Arsenal’s interest might tempt him to leave France for the London giants.
Arsenal is understood to tie up the duo of Higuain and Cesar once the transfer window opens.
Grenier has all what is needed to become one of the finest midfielders in the world of football. Because of the attributes of his game, he has been given the name of future Nasri. Grenier scored 7 goals last season and provided 8 assists in a total of 33 games.
Grenier is the type of signing Arsene likes to make. Snapping good players on cheap and developing them into the best players. As of now, he is nowhere near to Arsenal. More to follow.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【Sportpulse】阿仙奴對Grenier的£6m報價遭拒

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