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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 未拍拖o既人~"最"大原因?
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冇左? 唔開心係正常既,開心既話仲大獲呀,証明你無愛過。' h: A% i6 b5 @6 |7 R: i1 S
/ b3 _5 L  ?0 r% B  r: L5 f' W
電池無電,咪掉佐佢籮 ! Keep 住都係無電架 + r2 c! u1 Z4 \8 }+ N

6 H/ z$ a' y& O/ M& P- \快D重新投入生活,識d新朋友會開心d價。有女就更加好,起碼有D機會同可能性。
- f( C! S! r, q8 u' ~誤好諗禁多佢,無用價,要走既係佢,要反來既自然都係佢,你係無Say架。千奇誤好浪廢時間係D 唔值得既野上面。2 M( `7 y, H0 u: d* ]1 j
+ g3 N& \: L* ?7 J" S
She decided , she leave , you don't brother her , after she did the comparison , she will decide to come back or not. In this case she did the real comparison . If she returned wou will become more stable than before. If she didn't return, you already win the time in stepping your next step in your life.. ?4 d) b  v9 L% F5 Z" o. j
She decided, she leave, you contact her, she will have you as a reserve and will never did a real comparison as you never disappeared from her. This situation may last very long , one year , two year ....I can't tell ah. For my case , I waste 1 year and finally 想通了這四些。I hope my experience will be useful for you.
You know bros, I hate to say this (better don't show this to my wife).....but being in a stable relationship (like me, who got married) does come with some restrictions (I don't go to computer store as often as I was a single..be with my wife ma). But once you MAKE EFFORT, SHOW YOUR GENUINE SPIRIT, FOCUS AND DEVELOP A STABLE RELATIONSHIP with the gal...the reward is BIG!!!!!!! I mean it!!!!!!
9 z, {! n, D3 P( H- V
/ ]" v4 R6 @8 p' O( |# b, rI think most guys (including myself in the past) had no patience and rush into action...that's our problem as men.
% n8 `4 }' ]9 s/ d" ]
3 I/ h% a$ z+ w" Y+ @1 CGonna slow down and focus.....
Agree ! Slow down and fcous. But somethimes there is big INERTIA for 比較被動的兄第。 Logically speaking , those active guy will start their new life and didn't need other's advice ( or ignore other's advice ) , for those passive guy , no matter what they say, actually they just want somebody listen and agree with his thoughts. So, I always emphasis the reasonability of actions in this situation , though myself still cannot take rational actions if my heart was frozen by her.+ }6 q, a+ H, j) P8 _

$ G' p  O" A$ `6 j1 P# g" MI would like to share the saddness of bros who 've just broken up, but honestly speaking, I can't help you , 你一定要堅d, 自己幫自己
i also wan find one ,.....but many girl like handsome girl......then like we normal one no many ppl like ......so poor~~~so if i  wan find i wan find one don too love handsome guy...let they know handsome guy is flower heart one(i no say all lah).....
Originally posted by ianiankuan at 2005-3-25 05:38 PM:
. a4 B7 Q! p% V" X, \% G* q& F成日都覺得3 p+ z' I* L, p8 g/ U
0 p2 t- D" @. {; {$ A* N8 R( B- y$ ^  w+ A  @& E
Originally posted by tung kin wah at 2005-4-8 01:57 AM:$ ?$ Z3 ]  ?3 q3 @

2 K/ ]& ^7 ]! P! p' C# m5 uShe decided, she leave, you contact her, she will have you as a reserve and will never did a real comparison as you never disappeared from her. This situation may last very long , one year , two year ....I can't tell ah. For my case , I waste 1 year and finally 想通了這四些。I hope my experience will be useful for you.
  v  o" M5 c' u, \% m% c
3 {/ |3 w: R& \. K! e5 k9 e5 u

; ^7 s3 I% S( P' i# F. t# R, e7 Zwhat if she doesn't come back.. just let her go?
Originally posted by 蕭塞豐乳中 at 2005-4-2 02:02 AM:: ]! |9 h1 ?  @
一個字:黑! 次次溝到(條女lum自己 ...
4 z6 g. D( [/ o; N9 O7 M+ F) N

7 {% O9 F! {/ S5 F5 U* Z小弟覺得咁又唔可以話笨既" B( f: Y  A3 _  P" M& g
4 n3 s; d" o4 }5 _* K1 [1 }: F0 M咁可以算係個好仔呀
Originally posted by aiqidejiao at 2005-4-19 12:17 AM:
" u, g) Q* B* O- Y  o* C/ S5 Z9 f4 v* \) J& o" k

) Y  h3 z7 `5 q小弟覺得咁又唔可以話笨既# e  J  E* E; g$ U/ p# P
6 Q( [  N9 `5 `7 _0 b4 }咁可以算係個好仔呀
' ~3 i$ `( o  @4 I

+ n8 y( o0 `5 p  Gnowadays, not many boys are like that
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 未拍拖o既人~"最"大原因?

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