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發表於 2009-1-5 09:34 AM
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尋晚3比0順利贏出, 但對手打到不知所謂, 而且踢人多過踢波令我始料不及....
最令人咋舌係修咸頓果位領隊, 對理所當然既判罰反應甚大, 以下係佢對bbc講球證既荒謬言論....
Southampton coach Jan Poortvliet:
"I have to see the decisions myself, but I think it was not a penalty, not a red card and the first goal was offside. "The referee's assistant should see it because he is on the same line as the player." 成篇野唯一講得o岩既野, 但老實講太接近, 就連修咸頓班友都無發覺, 相信唔係慢鏡重播, 大家都無咁心水清..
He added: "They told me Matt Paterson went with two feet for the sending off. It was one foot and it was on the ball. It changed the game because you are always having to come back. 一腳擺明"收人檔"既波, 如果話high到個波, 唔係雙腳就得, 我估全球既紅牌會減少70 - 80%
"I think the penalty was cheap. The referee was in the best position. I think the referees in England are the best in the world. But our side, we never get decisions like that."
我真係唔知世界上邊個地方既球證, 會見到明係用手擋波都唔吹12碼既, 大概可能只有中超既黑哨....
呢位荷蘭籍既領隊jan pooetvlie先生, 絕對係白痴一名, 修咸頓要靠佢出生天睇黎都死得....
黃興貴講佢講得好, 明係犯規都咁大反應死撐, 話球證錯, 不如教好自己班波先啦.... |