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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [5/28吹水加分題] 你試過有幾「好彩」或是「負轆」呢?
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[5/28吹水加分題] 你試過有幾「好彩」或是「負轆」呢?

5 P& Y+ T8 U; M5 N0 _$ q對您以後人生有冇影響?
5 [) S' P4 L) ~% \3 }您想唔想再試多次?
8 I9 @+ a4 l& i) a8 X: L/ i; ]1 I7 p; h+ @5 S( R
$ M% e: W; c2 L3 e
1 C$ n( V' P$ @8 T* @

1 C5 ?3 D7 t$ Q9 u如果有故事分享0 ~9 O+ S2 m6 x0 M. y8 P7 V& \

0 X7 @& b1 E0 Q# C$ {. w$ y6 h) Q3 A8 P. R: ^- j: Y3 t/ S9 b: Z

/ N1 m1 h% p1 _+ v) J  i# G; E( C; O0 D
- b/ R# Q5 O' u6 m6 F. s/ c

: F& U' s. [- j8 g$ f積極回覆主題之會員, 每人可加 5~30分, 視回覆質素而定1 N$ x; Y  ]- k2 X: t9 I' l' L
(積極回覆之定義: 字數起碼超過30 及 有意義同時貼題之回覆)
+ H$ [8 c% v) h6 C3 H$ A
; U: S5 B; `4 q8 Y1 ?
[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-25 at 09:48 PM ]
我中學踢社際比賽笠死左個龍門, 成為校內一時佳話" m" S# H7 [; p9 r; b1 J, L- o; ~! u: q( h
Originally posted by yeahchan at 2005-5-16 11:28 PM:, J4 A. o0 t- l) D+ A. v
我中學踢社際比賽笠死左個龍門, 成為校內一時佳話8 M' |: C+ X/ J4 g/ ~, D
, f6 U  Z3 O  _9 Z  Y我就試過係學校打波,仲有幾秒就完場。之後係未過半場一野穿針。(同網上某個video好似=.="""
Originally posted by Dr.anger at 2005-5-17 01:36 AM:8 c! t9 V/ V0 ?3 v
; T! M' ]0 y) `* \) V0 `  @8 r+ d
6 k" T: B4 \5 |8 f6 C% ?5 j
踢波炒高左少少點知擦眉近柱笠入,0 O2 j2 h. C9 o
<a href="http://22sc.net/bbs/get.php?id=44"><img src="http://22sc.net/bbs/images/logo.gif"></a>
$ e2 ]. ]/ E; l% l2 t8 L隊友落底傳中,(地波幾急勁下)我迎上去勁抽(離門好近)點知大搭Q,個波撞到重心腳,折射去遠柱,龍門比我勁抽個勢嚇住了 嚟五切去救。不過中柱。可惜!!從此,無人叫我踢後衛了,怕我解圍失誤。。。
個日 IN 同學屋企岩岩玩完 PS2   FIFA 既 , 之街頭足球後成班人落去球場踢波。/ w5 \) D4 z1 F+ e# A! c$ K; x
岩岩 個 FRIEND 一腳高波傳俾我,個陣我有個同學企係我後面到 'mark "  我 ,我本能上踢高個波(個波未落地) ,仲好順勢咁轉身................我竟然過左我個同學(拎得返個波 ) ^ ^  我班 friend 睇到呆晒,話我係咪玩完街頭足球之後學人玩花式,我串佢地話 " e d 咪叫技術 law ~ ^0^ "
I actually have 2 incidents to 'report':
% G( e+ F* Q, ]: `
/ ?5 B* C" p8 o/ q- o- o. pA)My last course at my undergraduate degree...it was a psychology course. i was too busy writing my thesis so I overlooked the study. I failed the final exam and was not going to graduate that year. ' M) `7 I. }( q2 d8 u" r+ c* }

7 B1 A1 ?" G: b! D5 E5 [  n6 u, jAs I registered for a summer psy. course to make up the degree, somehow the school called me and said I need to pay the graduation fee. Puzzled but delighted, I went to the office and check all my grades and GPA. Somehow somebody changed the grade of my psychology course from an F to a B! I was dumbfounded! My grade report said I got an F but the official grade on the school's computer was a B! I showed the dean my grade report and point out the difference on the computer (It may sound dumb for many of you...but if I graduate and someday they find out that faulty grade..then I am doomed...I wasn't going to let that happened). The dean looked at my grade report and said since I am honest with the school and somehow the computer has the grade, he will let me graduate.
4 e. }7 X. z4 \" @( z( `7 c1 d8 x$ @3 Q7 \4 ^
I did take the psychology course in the summer and submit the grade to lessen my guilt...coz I was sure that I failed the course....but somehow I felt the 'force was with me' in that incident./ m+ y( |( G& k4 k8 n

4 h8 T3 {. o8 eB) My dad once owned a business and the property on Des Voeux Road. We were fortunate enough to have purchased the property from ground floor up to 4/F. In the summer of 1996, my dad had a series of emotional health problem and in the end he was forced to sell the business and the property together. It took almost a year to do the negotiation and we finally had a buyer. It was around July 1997 when my dad was forced to sell the whole thing for about 20 million dollars (it was a bargain coz people knew my dad's sickness). We had to paid off a lot of loans and ended up with almost nothing. it was a hard time for the whole family....until the economy doomed...we were so lucky to have sold the whole thing....now the property is worth the most 12 million.....

四校聯校3 on 3準決賽我方落後3分, 當時得返8秒
! O  |2 \, N2 p  o有機會猜空先射3分, 不過, 佢地守得太緊迫
1 A8 F' V6 n" E, j+ G: X1 ?個波轉到黎得返兩秒, 局住起手, 一 fake, 佢飛埋黎, 我就博 foul, 吹左 foul 之餘仲負轆入埋
) `  Z  i2 B( q# }入埋罰球, 一分贏左6 K. h+ o. F, v5 }2 H
一吹 foul 同入埋o個一刻, 全場起哄
我住美國有次係freeway渣85mph,點知前面有架拖頭,拖頭條tire somehow 滋起舊野(一舊金屬物體),一條完美拋物線加內彎,半秒時間, "bond" 一聲(勁大聲)打落我架車左邊tire拎個cover度.即係我旁邊, 過小小一係爆tire失事, 一係direct hit 中我(死硬),都米話唔好彩.only tire 拎個cover 凹左.# j, U: j) ?. ^+ p6 ?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [5/28吹水加分題] 你試過有幾「好彩」或是「負轆」呢?

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