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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 買正版CD既歌dub落MP3機都犯法,您點睇?[積極回應者+]
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重有microsoft & 軟件商都要xx,我屋'其'三部腦,就要買三套相同的software,fxxk.
A lot of rules and a lot of grey areas in this issue regarding music.% H4 p; ~; C3 k
% x; v% l  k0 ~+ M% b. @3 j0 M
For example, if you owns a CD store and you play the music for your customers. In the literal way you have violated the laws. Cuz you're not supposed to use it for commercial purpose. But if the industry persecutes people on that, the whole industry will die.
: I5 _2 Y7 k" n) Z7 J9 k4 G1 z$ A& ~- D9 F( u
With the strict observance of the law, even copying your purchased CD to you computer and play without having the CD in the drive is illegal. Cuz you're playing the music files, not the actual CD. If someone got sue by the industry....I am sure companies like Apple, Real and others would gladly hire a few big shot lawyers for the poor guys. It is not just one's guilt or not, it's about a billion dollar industry survival.2 q, Z; V- ~$ x- }5 j- _

4 i8 _( {" }% O% f0 h% `1 }Besides, the property right laws are pretty outdated.....revisions needed badly.
  L- Q* T/ u" g( J' J# g. N' u3 b
1 D( R6 W" r: K% X7 a7 cit's impossible for the authorities to catch every case. I would guess over 90% of the music listeners have at least once violated the property right law.
2 ]1 D2 q7 e: [
" W1 F, [- I8 h, ^6 o- S9 T. `# RSmart TVB....what a catchy title for us to tune into.

& g8 ]' r) [9 o2 l; s2 h果D disco咪等收???" {/ I# {; h0 k. t5 D/ L/ g
播歌都要royalty( `+ x7 W. h! M5 _8 s
咁唔通一早話申請某日想播邊幾首????0 l# A" y9 O' w
5 C% K, R% `  ?4 F8 J
) V( I0 P2 x1 p" E# A0 y你唔好計ipod* K' M4 r' P% o
4 W7 ?. T& r, ]" s0 ~1 B% Y7 e4 s有幾多人真係買首歌再傳入機??
$ x+ r) H) l& U7 s! |4 w# z0 r% h多數都係download落黎傳入機
  b" A  M! y% s* P$ R. T- A一方面又犯法.) t. F7 d9 Q& Z0 t. C
' L4 X/ p2 u+ M4 R4 h咁係咪變相鼓吹非法下戴???
& N; Y4 {+ P7 l
1 G) Q$ K! `+ a) o+ F你又咁Q多限制- a' a. j6 ~9 ^5 h; S* J7 u2 |7 P7 \6 q
; S# u& |( Y8 S5 bcopy落mp3機都係自用姐" M/ a1 b$ P* c4 y
' ^# V. g3 i+ ]7 X' u有病嗎???+ a. D/ A7 q! X  }2 a

5 ?0 d3 F* C5 _一路都支持正版
0 {& {, J# W( [- J用discman的!!$ [. j, Z8 g( Y3 W5 H

: p9 Q/ a) l! T) ^3 k& q4 V! g$ h+ y其實我有另一個問題
: e4 g& h. F, B- m; }我同friendbeyond D歌黎夾band又得唔得呢???; g5 s& e, i) M
i wonder if Sony will sue me for "dub-ing" track from an authentic CD from Sony entertainment into a Sony mp3 player.
Originally posted by 28083003 at 2005-5-30 10:54 AM:, i5 M( V- g7 u
. m  {- @8 ?) x' v& s! h+ e% K/ L+ O果D disco咪等收???8 ^2 O3 D9 E4 k; t  ^
/ P( C. P* f% |: J( p2 e# z0 DDisco唔洗執粒﹐餐廳都唔洗﹐HMV都唔洗﹐因為大部份通通都比左版權費播歌。IFPI係會評估下你播歌對你既商業效益有幾多同埋對業解損失同獲益有幾多﹐然後決定收幾多royalty。唔好以為未收過就永遠都唔洗收禍﹐因為我舅父係開印度餐管既﹐距話當年開鋪播印度音樂﹐有IFPI D人黎餐管度巡查﹐然後就開始收喇。4 f6 b9 u$ v+ [( ]6 P6 n0 T* _8 o
" o7 Z' M; r0 K- R: d
Originally posted by pokemons at 2005-5-30 11:10 AM:
* K: ]' p7 w. z% _; ]. r+ O# Y用嚟做手機鈴聲都犯法,死啦~~
* a. q" X7 y0 j! L2 ~6 a8 O# i你地唔洗驚甘多禍﹐如果你係合法下DOWNLOAD鈴聲既﹐應該唔會有事禍﹐因為SUNDAY果D SERVICE PROVIDER全部都比曬錢出黎架喇。
如果係咁, 係法律上, mp3發明黎係咪等於無用?!
Originally posted by yutik at 2005-5-31 01:13 AM:
# V8 G6 H& X' d  N; X如果係咁, 係法律上, mp3發明黎係咪等於無用?!
8 @+ ]1 n  r$ Q+ Z3 L4 n& @
& U/ {6 r! l2 a  T" B

, e/ G! y1 j( ^& A% Y如果我無記錯,
6 k3 e, r; x! M8 B佢好似話過係美國買左隻 cd copy 落去唔算犯法。
+ v0 t5 m3 ^: c" v  p唔知我有無記錯呢?
Originally posted by yutik at 2005-5-31 01:13 AM:
! Z, V8 e5 v4 }( |) u如果係咁, 係法律上, mp3發明黎係咪等於無用?!
  t, c8 Y( _( w. P正如GRETZKY所講﹐今時今日既法律係需要大改夾﹐完全唔UPDATED﹐灰色地帶多過阿爺既白髮。5 N/ B/ O8 l; U4 Q
mp3機係用黎play compressed music file﹐你可以自壇自唱﹐然後錄落部MP3機度﹐無講笑﹐我LECTURER就係甘同我講。
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 買正版CD既歌dub落MP3機都犯法,您點睇?[積極回應者+]

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