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點解 Canto Pop (廣東歌)在海外無以前咁流行?

點解 Canto Pop (廣東歌)在海外無以前咁流行?(東南亞,美加等地)
好靚呀 *楊承琳* .
Actually ....i really think most of the Canton song sucks.......i am not trying to against anyone.......just my opinion.....especailly this moment.....such as Twins........those are just stupid song.....
If u compare to Taiwan ....u will hear there is such a big different......Taiwan songs is much better,!!!
Originally posted by Jho808 at 2005-6-14 09:13 AM:
Actually ....i really think most of...
I'm from Hong Kong too...
but I think the lyrics in Canto Pop suck really bad....
they're either all love songs....or stupid rap with no meaning at all...
the songs are just getting too repetitive and predictable. its always about the same stuff. even though edison is trying to rap and stuff, but compare to like states, its nothin. (even though i think edison is pretty cool).
also, hk does not have any bands that actually make their own music, Beyond's pretty much gone, LMF's gone (even though they don't play their music, their raps were good)
I just think that the hk industry needs variety, not only pop.
plus, the singer themselves really need to improve their singing, don't rely only on looks, if so, u'd be done in like a few yrs, looks can't last forever.
【音樂教父 / 陶吉吉 & 音樂巨龍 / 王力宏】
plus, there is only 2 lyrics writers. thats y all the songs sound the same. hk need more producers, composers, writers.
No surprise
No variety
Strongly agree!!!
Music is an art in other countries, but in Hong Kong, it's business.
Commercial Music.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » 點解 Canto Pop (廣東歌)在海外無以前咁流行?

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