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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » [音樂空間加分題] 十大最不適合唱歌的歌手
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If I can choose who are the SINGER that can't sing:
I think there should be the following person(S):

Leon Lai,
Vivian Chow,
Kelly Chan,
Edison Chan,
Athena Chu,
Arron Kwok,
Charlie Yeung,
Gigi Leung,
2 R......
(Miriam Yeung?)

I think the singers I write it down.. many people may disagree with me.. cos most of them are "stars" after mid90s
but if you compare with the singers to 80s.. then you could see how could they "stayed" in there?

Even Danny Summer, or Samartha Lam (Lam Chi Mei), they were not really famous in 80s.. but if you are talking about singing skills with Danny or Samartha in 80s, they were still much better than the singers I am writing in the lists...


We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!

Just go with movie coz she can't sing at all can't follow rythem.
He try to become HK rap star but he can't speak cantonese right. And can't even speack clearly.
Without those sexy MV i wont even wait to listen to the song.
She is ok but filming movies is better for her.
Where they find there 3 God Yumiko and Maggie ugly Mandy is ok but not popular.
Plz learn how to speak cantonese before singing it hurt my ears.
come on most people just want to see ur breast not ur singing.

Some of these singer just try to use their body as their selling point but we want more qulity singers not those who just try to show thier body all upskirt all the time..........
emme,yumiko-sell sexy
It's quiet hard to choose top 10.Because all of those young singers is suck indeed!
They don't belong to music...They just pretend to a singer I hate them all
Anyway..Let me choose those I dislike most:

He is crazy!why he wanna be a singer...I 'm really confused about that...His father have so much $$ let him to spend...And he have a good family......however...his long hair style is better than now....

...I'm reallly nothing to say...They are unique!!Because only Hong Kong  people can treat them as a star...ha
even though I appreciate their guts...they are young actually..But I can't forgive them that make all of the children as silly as them!!And I pray Mr Yeung go to hell too..That Hong Kong will be better.

He is a cool singer....and his father is cool too
I think Mr Mak is a generous guy.it's nothing better than support his Thousand Dollar Son to Music scene....to make people more wealthy!if Honk Kong have more guy like Mr Mak that so generous..no one will poor I guess!!JUNO is cool...why he is cool??That is because he can ignore anything to make his good music   no matter what...ICAC...and other idiot singers and his fans ahah....he's so crazy~~

Every kid like him very much here....
When you go to street..you are not hard to find many "謝霆鋒ish"in the street
He certainly is the Hero of Hong Kong !!
I don't find the reason why they love him so much...he is not playing music.he don't know how to play guitar so pretend playing guitar..do you think he actually is the combination of Joe satriani and Steve vai ??haha.if 家駒is here...he must very upset to have a fans like him!
he's just a unripe guy!!!Please don't  pretend him anyway!!!You will downgrade your mine
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » [音樂空間加分題] 十大最不適合唱歌的歌手

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