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Who likes Christian music?

Does anyone like christian music?
I just started going to church a couple months ago, and I just started listening to christian songs, some of them are actually really good and better than pop music sometimes.

[ Last edited by kelvy on 2005-6-18 at 03:04 PM ]
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-6-18 03:04 PM:
really? which ones do you like, can you name a couple and share please?
em.. hard to..
cos my Chinese write board is not working,...
poor me..
actually, cos my HK church could create the songs themselves...

two I can say in English:

1) No others Name
2) St. Francis Prayer
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
o ok, that's nice to know.
if you have a chance, listen to "offering" by third day, and "I can only imagine" by MercyMe, I like these 2 the most, let me know if you like them and if you want me name a couple more
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » Who likes Christian music?

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