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help... disk error....

Help!!! my laptop seems to have some problems. everytime when i start my computer, there are a message shown up (1720-SMART harddrive detects imminent failure (failing Attv :02)
could anyone help me pls?
your hdd will be dying soon, most modern drives have a feature called SMART (meaning Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology.) It functions to detect your health of your harddrive and when it gets to a point where the drive is about to die, then it informs the system. Hence you see the message. You might have caught a deadly virus, or might have given too much shock to the hdd. I am not too familar with exact cause of it, but this is what i have read from a magazine. You are supposed to backup all your important data, you can purchase a 2.5 ide-usb adaptor and link it up to your desktop computer. I hope this helps, if you are still not sure, wait for another expert to explain more to you. cheers.
Laptop harddrives can die easily.  Mine died in around a year and the repair guys said it's pretty common for some models.  I would suggest you back up what you can.
try use USB -> IDE cable backup you data first!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » help... disk error....

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