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Originally posted by Xtravagant at 2005-11-25 23:53:

ok I need a shooter with avg 18-20pts

then you can have Wells
R.Ham is 21 pts:cool:
Originally posted by 清揚 at 2005-11-25 11:50 PM:

B.miller 換AK-47有得諗架:cool:
really?? no wor I think Duncun 換 B.Miller lar ..仲好 :cool:
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2005-11-25 11:55 PM:

that is carter and hughes already
absolutely not worth~
brother 艾, let me warn u now ... try to get rid of Carter for a better SG la. He wont be as good as last season ... trade him high if u can

[ Last edited by Xtravagant on 2005-11-25 at 11:58 PM ]
Originally posted by Xtravagant at 2005-11-25 23:55:

really?? no wor I think Duncun 換 B.Miller lar ..仲好 :cool:
Duncun 換 B.Miller 不行
Originally posted by Xtravagant at 2005-11-25 11:57 PM:

brother 艾, let me warn u now ... try to get rid of Carter for a better SG la.
i am finding a placement for him too

do u mean his injury or transferment to another team?
Originally posted by 清揚 at 2005-11-25 11:58 PM:

Duncun 換 B.Miller 不行
what do u think of this team ?

Pos Players Edit Opp Status GP FGM FG% FT% 3PTM PTS REB AST ST BLK TO
PG S. Nash (Pho - PG) PGGUtilBench NJ 2:30 pm - - - - - - - - - - -
SG M. Redd (Mil - SG) SGGUtilBench @Min 12:00 pm - - - - - - - - - - -
G J. Johnson (Atl - SG,SF) SGGSFFUtilBench @Ind 12:00 pm - - - - - - - - - - -
SF D. Miles (Por - SG,SF) SGGSFFUtilBench @Orl 11:00 am - - - - - - - - - - -
PF Z. Randolph (Por - PF) PFFUtilBench @Orl 11:00 am - - - - - - - - - - -
F D. Howard (Orl - PF)  PFFUtilBench Por 11:00 am - - - - - - - - - - -
C B. Miller (Sac - C) CUtilBench Tor 2:00 pm - - - - - - - - - - -
C J. O'Neal (Ind - PF,C) PFFCUtilBench Atl 12:00 pm - - - - - - - - - - -
Util Y. Ming (Hou - C) CUtilBench @Mem 12:00 pm - - - - - - - - - - -
Util J. Terry (Dal - PG) PGGUtilBench @Mia 12:00 pm - - - - - - - - - - -
BN M. James (Tor - PG) PGGUtilBench @Sac 2:00 pm - - - - - - - - - - -
BN J. Howard (Dal - SG,SF)  SGGSFFUtilBench @Mia 12:00 pm - - - - - - - - - - -
BN D. West (NOK - PF)  PFFUtilBench   - - - - - - - - - - -
Originally posted by 清揚 at 2005-11-25 11:58 PM:

Duncun 換 B.Miller 不行
just not wear it is okay

as i know your team is powerful, so BM must not be yours

i am now always expecting the vs with you next week
as you said your team is much more powerful than mine

Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2005-11-25 11:59 PM:

i am finding a placement for him too

do u mean his injury or transferment to another team?
He is one of the Falling Fast players ... read here:

G Vince Carter, Nets
My esteemed colleague Court Mann argued frequently this preseason that the presence of a healthy Richard Jefferson would hamper Vince's stats as much or more than they would R-Jeff's. He was right. Through 10 games, Carter was averaging seven less points than he did a year ago and experienced significant decrease in every meaningful fantasy category. As if that weren't enough, he left Monday's game early with a back injury. Bad backs are anathema to NBA players; just ask Tracy McGrady. An already declining Carter accompanied by a bad back does not sound like a recipe for consistent fantasy success.
Originally posted by Xtravagant at 2005-11-26 00:01:

what do u think of this tea...
Originally posted by 清揚 at 2005-11-26 12:03 AM:

this is my team from another league, which I joined for killing time while I am waiting for Boozer and AK to return

who do u think is the most useless to drop ? D. Miles?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo NBA FL( 26FUN League ) - TRADING ROOM

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