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標題: 國家地理頻道將於4月9日全球首播「《猶大福音》紀錄片 [打印本頁]

作者: pig210    時間: 2006-4-5 05:40 PM     標題: 國家地理頻道將於4月9日全球首播「《猶大福音》紀錄片

國家地理頻道將於4月9日全球首播「《猶大福音》紀錄片」,揭示猶大不是耶穌的叛徒,而是英雄的觀點。0 G3 l! N0 o( a  u/ T; m, K7 p
& h7 ~, T! z- a" a
《猶大福音》是1700年的歷史文件,被天主教視為異端書籍而被禁。書籍於1970年代在埃及被偶然發現,專家一直研究,國家地理雜誌頻道拍成紀錄片,揭示《猶大福音》不為人知的秘密。. i" A' u- |( ]0 `/ H( E' i3 J# A* }
. f9 {+ ~% c) i$ w* N5 o
在《猶大福音》中,最引人爭論的是耶穌門徒猶大的角色及他與耶穌的關係。猶大被指是唯一懂得耶穌的人,耶穌也最喜愛他,最後是耶穌自己要求猶大,出賣耶穌,好讓耶穌自己可以早日脫離肉體的禁錮,耶穌體內神聖的靈魂可以早日升天。因此,《猶大福音》中,猶大不僅不是兩千年來基督宗教所稱的「叛徒」,反而是耶穌的最貼心門徒、甚至英雄。/ k, G' d( n, @1 B5 O

6 g, s- J% p8 Y: F8 P: D8 o至於《猶大福音》寫於何時?作者又是誰?何時翻譯成古哥普特語?研究工作與這部紀錄片將揭露文獻中的細節,以及從這部福音書的古哥普特語(Coptic)所翻譯的關鍵內容。+ A4 _- e( M& x
8 [/ w: f( a. K" D+ g0 p
作者: kakeidevil    時間: 2006-4-5 05:52 PM

作者: 奇    時間: 2006-4-5 05:55 PM

作者: pig210    時間: 2006-4-5 06:18 PM     標題: 係邊個呀??????????????

Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2006-4-5 05:52 PM:
% h6 Q* `' s) V0 ~. W香港得一間公司有得同步播...
+ N* k! `/ z% B/ b
作者: YingTung    時間: 2006-4-5 07:17 PM

好似係now~~cable就無" a/ B1 T4 ^7 C1 D6 b: K8 r5 z! E
作者: ckkw    時間: 2006-4-5 09:08 PM

someone say cable hv ar~
作者: kaixinren    時間: 2006-4-5 10:55 PM

作者: lv123    時間: 2006-4-8 10:36 AM

2 \( @- ^3 t: b2 p另外太子道間教堂有猶大的像。不過天主敎叫猶達斯。
作者: anttiniemi2000    時間: 2006-4-10 11:44 PM

Originally posted by lv123 at 2006-4-8 10:36 AM:
1 O2 K# `0 ~$ o2 K2 H昨日新聞有提。我觀點其實出賣耶穌的...
% D* A8 B( E7 u0 g3 `) Fwell i think that no one 出賣耶穌.  remember what is the purpose of jesus coming to the earth?  to save us by his own blood, his own life.  in my own view, judas is one of the God's man.  his job is to 'kill' jesus, to complete the 'saving' of people on earth.  
: C8 O4 K6 U+ p; e7 Hone more thing, jesus always treats judas as his very very best friend.
作者: 迷途小羔羊    時間: 2006-4-11 12:35 AM

4 m6 z" H: o) J& o% [這是基督教既核心觀點,也可以說,猶大出賣耶穌,係屬於神既旨意。: {1 @9 T; R5 u1 a/ z3 e% q8 u
換句話說,耶穌出生既使命係為世人贖罪;猶大出生既使命係出賣耶穌。1 @4 F& M* D: A# e# h3 K/ m
從一般基督徒既觀點去評論,自然猶大是出賣者。, S! }+ V  \* w2 ?8 j0 A
7 t7 M4 r% y) t% F1 B+ B& f
亦有人去評論,如猶大福音既作者,其實,猶大的卑劣是成就耶穌的偉大,所以猶大都可以說是個悲劇英雄。4 `) k# Q, }5 s- g
全心為他人的偉大而不惜永遠背上污名,確偉大;) j5 u6 F9 x: m3 ?
7 K$ U2 T0 N" ?5 q! |$ L, \! W, j4 ~$ D- g3 F
另一個關鍵係,沒有猶大的出現,耶穌出世既使命又會不會真的不能實現?$ @3 C( y3 u$ h
我既睇法係,如果「耶穌出生既使命係為世人贖罪」係真的,係神所承諾的一個會出現既現實,: [: z" z3 X) J9 t- Z
咁無論在任何情況下,最後耶穌都會以死為世人贖罪。+ R  ?5 V6 e, D0 [. J) D
+ Y3 \& ]" u$ D9 a! h所以有理由相信,猶大事件,可能會是一個安排,也可能會是一個巧合。) T  _! u, ~& P2 Y+ |% e

& r$ h5 M# D* [* w9 B正如如果耶穌被捕後,若果審判耶穌既比拉多肯跟隨自己原本既心意,不理群眾壓力,肯判耶穌無罪,那麼,猶大事件,對耶穌為世人贖罪而死,會有甚麼重要性?( K9 y( `/ X) R. L9 R: d1 l( x

9 B3 j8 q5 v. Q: c[ Last edited by 迷途小羔羊 on 2006-4-11 at 12:37 AM ]
作者: brightlee    時間: 2006-4-12 06:07 AM

Originally posted by 迷途小羔羊 at 2006-4-11 02:35:
1 B  \% h8 y2 `* X2 L沒有猶大出賣耶穌,耶穌就不會被釘十...
  {2 H- n! J+ s. u/ A) `Great points!!!
作者: Gretzky    時間: 2006-4-12 06:31 AM

If you live in North America, the encore presentation is at National Geographic Channel on Thurs April 13 at 9pm ET/6pm PT.
. `6 M5 \  o* s1 d% a; x7 I1 U5 E0 _0 D$ q- Q
迷途小羔羊  had some really good points. However the bigger question is: Why is this Gospel of Judas phenonmenon such a big deal?. U3 Y' ~; R$ ~. Z

9 A4 N2 b* w# t& j6 b3 tTraditional understanding of Judas is him being a 'bad guy' who betrayed Jesus for $. He alone responsible for the death of Jesus. Christians (both Protestant and Catholics) would hold similiar view. Peter may have been a coward who denied his master 3 times but Judas was the one who 'killed' Jesus. Is this true?
' p' G% l, x% x
0 _; T$ T8 q2 h% `2 uI can understand the frenziness of this becasue these people (business) are always good w/ marketing (remember its Easter time here). The general public are having a field day with all the mysteries and conspiracies. We all love to 平反 for Judas...whether we are believers of the Christian faith or not.
6 _8 s; i- d6 f  a8 E3 \
( [! h$ x7 s7 o: ~What is a 'hero'? What is more important in this story of death and resurrection (let's assume for a while, that Jesus did die and rose again for people's sin)? Is it the hero (the process/tool) or the result (according to the Christian theology, the cleansing of sins)?: G/ I! g) Y. s# R
2 p6 T. z; c9 e- t, n  Q1 V9 {5 D
I think the reality the core beliefs of Christianity, that Christ died for people and wiped out their sins. If God really is omnipotent and he intended to finsih his purpose in Jesus, he could use Judas, Peter, you and me to accomplish his purpose. 5 r- L; H# l' \+ c

/ k3 E- v- G, u# DThe Christian concept of God is that God is NEVER DEPENDENT on anyone. The Christian God is a self-sufficient God and does not need any help. Period.
: A! }0 r. u. n4 g& n: X. G
! C& y* N7 L" s- _6 m# W1 u1 X4 h. tThe documentary is good for us (Christians or not) to look beyond the traditional understanding of this lost disciple. We do have to remember...there are reasons why this book is not included in the canon of the Catholic (and later Protestant) bible.
) r$ u: U% O, c3 `& H5 U; A" E. Q9 a: `- t% ^9 V
作者: 迷途小羔羊    時間: 2006-4-12 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2006-4-12 06:31 AM:4 [  \$ s/ u# P+ v/ [! V: B
If you live in North America, the e...
, i4 c0 `$ Z7 P1 g1 u# {* j" R可惜不知香港幾時有得看...
作者: Gretzky    時間: 2006-4-13 12:50 AM

Originally posted by 迷途小羔羊 at 2006-4-12 10:57 PM:+ B2 J. H. Y9 r* b' V  O
1 X  q* B. s' }4 V; F2 u
' J# N2 e+ U2 M# u. J0 _3 m
& e+ @3 a% ~6 K7 E: WApril 12 (Wed) 晚 10pm show左la (at National Geographic Channel)!9 o' s" f( `1 w# N! B4 [# K

, O4 a- y% e1 L, s, d- m" J) x  n" @' E9 K3 M

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