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標題: 有冇人抽中過做陪審員?? [打印本頁]

作者: alantai    時間: 2006-9-2 02:33 PM     標題: 有冇人抽中過做陪審員??

前排高院寄左封信黎& U/ W6 d. j6 W# j0 M5 H# y
/ v$ Z) H5 q4 v. q4 v我真係唔想去,不過唔去係犯法既/ j! f9 T+ u6 ]3 Y: c7 N' Y
作者: skjeiw    時間: 2006-9-2 04:24 PM

好似係有義務要去做架...: I, y+ J, `9 r4 @
作者: CalvinPig    時間: 2006-9-2 04:44 PM

0 t: x2 k3 \! N但係要比司法機構抽中
作者: chansuper123    時間: 2006-9-2 05:50 PM

No. Not all the citizen can do.. S- i8 y( l/ T$ k) J7 U
It should be stardard education F5 or above. p! c. T; M6 a$ D' n
Can listen and understand "English and Chinese"
2 ?; s' @! W0 T, _0 L0 D0 {I have chosen before 2 times
3 y, i, W( h6 \3 g6 S$ ]There is a instruction give to you with the letter
作者: teramishu    時間: 2006-9-2 05:59 PM

你意思係话法庭上判案时个d 陪審員?. A0 ?9 l" H  d8 s9 N$ l; q5 Q
香港有呢 d 野咖?% C! G' H6 E& |9 D
作者: chicken    時間: 2006-9-2 07:32 PM

I have been selected to goto the court but have no chance to be 陪審員.
* X: Q) k& h6 ^4 Q. `/ ?They select many people to prepare to be 陪審員, but the lawyers have the power to select only those they want, so even if you goto the court you still have very high chance to not to be 陪審員.* I1 _8 k: i4 ~- \4 u
For example, in some rape case, the lawyers may not choose female as 陪審員.
作者: alantai    時間: 2006-9-2 08:43 PM

Originally posted by chicken at 2006-9-2 07:32 PM:8 u. b0 A# ^3 b) Y% z" ~$ D7 S
I have been selected to goto the co...
0 s/ A- L  P1 E. x* `

9 K' H! Q* c2 t' X你去過?* P! ]- o6 G8 |
作者: kgkgkg212121    時間: 2006-9-2 11:17 PM

Originally posted by alantai at 2006-9-2 08:43 PM:+ L# [, ^- V' K, }
2 Z. I' {3 Y' v2 J$ I% N2 w  [

8 o4 `0 ]* `; l5 i你去過?
7 ]/ Z8 J) t& a講黎聽吓!!
7 y9 y! X. ^0 W) `5 _- ?. W2 S
我又想聽下~~; C# l/ E5 d' l5 ]2 \. q
作者: homan~    時間: 2006-9-3 09:57 AM

Originally posted by alantai at 2006-9-2 02:33 PM:. E0 x3 E' G: h
' V" `3 F) c8 O& q話抽中左我去做候選陪審員(9月中); Q+ |1 t* q* ?: y
我真係唔想去,不過唔去係犯法既, r. N8 w  n5 W, {! {3 ^* B
$ J& y9 f% Y1 T' ]) w- f- a5 m
' o% p: I( \2 p5 ?# v7 ?陪審團係由辯方去選人
4 R4 i$ ], D8 f& m. J' l. q同埋好辛苦架, 最好唔好俾佢選到
7 P4 d' z, o4 }0 Z: f0 |
# Z5 H5 b4 E' k, f/ R一日好似有 around $200 - $300 allowance
5 p& k" `. d: q9 s# `) Y6 ^6 u同埋冇得唔做, 公司一定要俾假,3 m  [: |2 O, y4 P( Q  b+ a% {2 \

+ ~1 I" O1 e8 f2 J  G陪審團係負責judge,
7 ]' f# n2 L% [. {5 w, F/ e" `; J法官負責fact 同legal 既問題, 所以有時俾人告錯誤引導陪審團架

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