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標題: LV 有咩好.....? [打印本頁]

作者: seafireson2    時間: 2006-12-29 10:55 AM     標題: LV 有咩好.....?

個個 LV ge花紋都係0甘.............+ D7 N+ Z, U1 f; s$ U% N
我覺得d花紋又唔係靚..........什至有d土...........* V/ L7 S2 t; j4 _6 {3 V) x
頂多咪耐用......而且又貴..........* n* V; @, R0 N; l

2 {: q# ]) I& Q& f! e' H# D$ u6 C0 ~
都唔明有咩好????0 Z0 E: o8 ]" _" ]5 U4 P
& v8 d# C; ~+ m唔通真係虛榮心問題????8 m' A7 D1 E! j' J. T. i5 d

; Z# F: S* H% U1 E2 e9 ^3 j[ Last edited by seafireson2 on 2006-12-29 at 10:56 AM ]
作者: achan87    時間: 2006-12-29 10:57 AM

作者: DXneo    時間: 2006-12-29 10:58 AM

8 P, T$ E7 \& n, R2 A- K" |% s3 j; h( q- H5 D

% I. ^- O$ X+ Z" K4 u* ]To tell people you got money to spend on something expensive but functionaly useless.
作者: hklady    時間: 2006-12-29 11:10 AM

for cheap people show off only ...
作者: Tokyo2040    時間: 2006-12-29 11:20 AM

好在貴囉, 重要係係人都知佢好貴.
作者: chong2002    時間: 2006-12-29 12:00 PM

* f5 `+ s5 K0 K同好防火c_c  r0 g$ z3 }, ?& ^6 H# {
火燭d 錢係入面好安全!
作者: kalos    時間: 2006-12-29 12:32 PM

Honestly, I have 1 wallet, 1 coin bag n 1 small bag from LV. As I use it, it's nothing special, only water proof, fire proof (I tried to burn my LV wallet with lighter O.o) n last long. Pattern is old n doesn't seems any special.& }1 ^, J  I2 q9 J6 N- _
1 f( I# Z& ]3 z
But in the other way, pattern style old can consider as long lasting style(it seems didn't change in the past hundred year); it comes with life guarentte, they can repair for you if your LV had any damage, 1 LV can last for a life time(as long as it can be repair!).
# f: y) U3 }3 t& B) k) v" ^: H8 |/ ]/ L5 B0 b
In concludsion, if you want a life time wallet, coin or a bag(whatever it is) like me, LV is a good idea to solve your problem in this way...9 e' ^, m) l0 I: u6 k
3 y% }. C; L4 P( I, D
I don't think it's 虛榮心 or show off something to me, it just suit my wants n satisfly my needs.
2 @( J" ^* `; ^7 S, H0 V$ b
) a5 {1 I3 k* m* v5 P6 tI confess that some ppl will buy it for show off, moreover some ppl will buy the fake LV to satisfly their 虛榮心, then it's only their own problem as they're idiots n they don't even know what is the value of LV.
作者: seafireson2    時間: 2006-12-29 12:33 PM

Originally posted by chong2002 at 2006-12-29 12:00 PM:* j* y* F, I( S% F8 v( k9 S: T
佢好防水2 p5 _+ l/ f/ b* P
同好防火c_c2 z  v3 B: ~4 d, ], o
火燭d 錢係入面好安全!
% j2 p0 n  N4 }4 y! ]' `) q
8 |0 Z6 @3 X6 ^9 R/ L: v7 H0甘防唔防"界"
作者: chong2002    時間: 2006-12-29 12:43 PM

Originally posted by seafireson2 at 2006-12-29 12:33 PM:
3 e) I! O$ f4 f3 Z8 e
! ?/ b3 g6 W6 S7 y8 N. m4 W+ ~真係唔知......
8 r7 h7 Z( _; m6 ~0甘防唔防"界"
  e7 P/ q8 E2 B+ V) J: M# l  _都防架...1 B$ V0 \7 R" n( u1 v# J& ^
作者: 王晶    時間: 2006-12-29 12:56 PM

. D6 V1 l; x+ N$ c! {- r1 L; Y唔係用來扮靚
作者: cainemansion    時間: 2006-12-29 01:47 PM

佢係有埋防彈, 唔知你地有冇睇過新聞, 賊人拎住手槍誤射中個女士, 佢唔小心射中個最新既LV袋...更住冇事..不過好果係AK47就冇用la...
作者: 卡娃兒    時間: 2006-12-29 01:48 PM

佢表面用一種叫PVC既防火膠造~既防火又可防水~  J* M" v1 T! z" T/ s' `
作者: cainemansion    時間: 2006-12-29 01:57 PM

Originally posted by cainemansion at 2006-12-29 01:47 PM:
9 U& I: c. g1 J佢係有埋防彈, 唔知你地有冇睇過新聞, 賊人拎住手槍誤射中個女士, 佢唔小心射中個最新既LV袋...更住冇事..不過好果係AK47就冇用la...
7 W' g+ v" T7 m! ?& b' H
3 U1 m& X4 K; L# }所以係真係可以保"終身幸服" ga~
作者: seafireson2    時間: 2006-12-29 02:05 PM

Originally posted by cainemansion at 2006-12-29 01:57 PM:4 s4 s& o7 D; I) k0 S. |
" C; ?: v) Y. {7 t

, ?! u/ S, w  a5 @所以係真係可以保"終身幸服" ga~
: O# f- x; `/ c. G7 \3 I2 w仲可以"世袋相傳"!
作者: hoyiu    時間: 2006-12-29 03:10 PM

    D人追求 名牌     身份的像徵   貴一貴$都大把人去買
作者: 托迪仔T    時間: 2006-12-29 03:36 PM

Originally posted by hoyiu at 2006-12-29 03:10 PM:
& ]- K/ F% `$ J8 P+ y    D人追求 名牌     身份的像徵   貴一貴$都大把人去買
* u/ S' M5 i# Q我都覺得係身份的象徵
作者: billy94486635    時間: 2006-12-29 03:38 PM

Honestly, I have 1 wallet, 1 coin bag n 1 small bag from LV. As I use it, it's nothing special, only water proof, fire proof (I tried to burn my LV wallet with lighter O.o) n last long. Pattern is old n doesn't seems any special.
" k, D8 h$ ^) v% X$ K& ]. a, D3 k" d; t
But in the other way, pattern style old can consider as long lasting style(it seems didn't change in the past hundred year); it comes with life guarentte, they can repair for you if your LV had any damage, 1 LV can last for a life time(as long as it can be repair!).  `$ L; S; G* a/ \5 `
5 V: a' _" u* w. s. }8 U7 N. C, A
In concludsion, if you want a life time wallet, coin or a bag(whatever it is) like me, LV is a good idea to solve your problem in this way...
0 N) Z4 y# M7 [, t0 N/ A
& R2 A8 ]# q( B% E- y5 ?I don't think it's 虛榮心 or show off something to me, it just suit my wants n satisfly my needs. 9 Q- i1 S6 `+ }

! y% U) c! K6 [% kI confess that some ppl will buy it for show off, moreover some ppl will buy the fake LV to satisfly their 虛榮心, then it's only their own problem as they're idiots n they don't even know what is the value of LV.
作者: 〥~灝~〥    時間: 2006-12-29 04:27 PM

作者: kwoksing    時間: 2006-12-29 06:28 PM

作者: Lung~    時間: 2006-12-29 06:36 PM

; Q0 ]5 w6 M3 U  H: B得個袋貴其他只係著幾百蚊貨仔會比人笑架
作者: kgkgkg212121    時間: 2006-12-29 06:46 PM

LV已經cheap晒la... 通街都係...
作者: siredes    時間: 2006-12-29 08:42 PM

Originally posted by 卡娃兒 at 2006-12-29 01:48 PM:. \) K6 d  ?( p  g+ p; \
佢表面用一種叫PVC既防火膠造~既防火又可防水~' g9 Y( e. x. _1 w+ s
( [3 N) C/ w2 l8 B9 a5 V2 _PVC...深水埗大把有得過你買
作者: askalpk    時間: 2006-12-29 09:11 PM

作者: jimjim12    時間: 2006-12-30 12:50 AM

作者: 阿感    時間: 2006-12-30 01:16 AM

Originally posted by jimjim12 at  12:50 AM:
. d/ a5 e1 o8 @/ O既然可以防彈,不如出埋LV防彈衣啦~~~
/ G5 z; d( ?& w6 J- z* m8 B/ g0 y* b; D8 g1 ?
作者: silveryuki    時間: 2006-12-30 01:39 AM

now lv gucci very cheap
作者: bigfish    時間: 2006-12-30 02:55 AM

Originally posted by kalos at 2006-12-29 12:32 PM:  q7 f% \& U$ M) C! [$ Q5 U4 p. r
Honestly, I have 1 wallet, 1 coin b...
. F1 c, d; r& @- f9 P#17 o個位仁兄跟足你喎, 佢又搵火黎燒 wallet
作者: melvin123321    時間: 2006-12-30 02:26 PM

作者: ckkhh    時間: 2006-12-30 05:55 PM

作者: Kian76    時間: 2006-12-30 11:15 PM

作者: sniper    時間: 2006-12-31 01:24 AM

作者: 當少    時間: 2006-12-31 02:00 AM

作者: lookityourself    時間: 2006-12-31 02:57 AM

我有一個LV 銀包
' q8 u) Y, Y, {7 y- z其實LV 都有好多花GA
9 X0 H% d6 p4 A) \' A2 @我依家用緊果個係格仔花
作者: Kian76    時間: 2006-12-31 02:35 PM

Originally posted by lookityourself at 2006-12-31 02:57 AM:- U- l4 s, E- s2 y
我有一個LV 銀包
* |1 X4 K- r: k: @其實LV 都有好多花GA
+ N+ H8 c* |: p- `我依家用緊果個係格仔花
4 d' d& b/ j% G2 `5 C' e' X
  Z" N3 |% K" p( m* Q" C. h, E
me too!!!我都係用格仔花,好似男仔feel重少少,哈!!$ f1 o3 T  }. H: `; W
/ y8 g2 h/ R- ^
其實女仔用白色光面皮既散紙包都好靚好高貴呢!!: A* X6 u0 e$ }. O* k* Y( m1 c9 R
! \* P( I+ e& r7 X2 n* ]3 g
仲有,白色細花長條型銀包都好適合女仔用,好靚好高貴。2 s, r/ T8 S7 r3 l+ l" q  U

, |( ^+ `5 T/ `9 u: |* r0 [! t另外,白色大花牛角扣既細袋(長方型好細個),戴上去都好高貴。3 D7 g: X0 F  r0 N+ L0 u

$ T2 O/ \% q5 F- y8 K最後有一個一萬二千幾既最大個既啡色傳統LV Logo既袋,全場最貴o個個都好高貴大方,女仔OL用黎返工襯返工衫都好鬼索!!!
作者: kakeidevil    時間: 2006-12-31 05:04 PM

總括黎講睇你落腳點係咩....0 G3 f" Q7 H1 a& Y4 T) E

; q4 S1 D3 @" r8 L* V% \  P3 }喺用者本身既,就會覺得係靚,身份像徵,令人會羨慕或妒忌你..... _8 V/ t; Z# k) u5 k! z

/ J2 F6 R6 Z* m4 n! Z9 j" F旁觀者既咪覺得你曬命,扮野,滿足個人虛榮心,追求名牌等等....
作者: bwk0317    時間: 2007-1-1 04:54 AM

its advanage is Made in Europe.
* C2 P7 N. D. lToday Chinese people are controlled by European!
; C: q! T, H( y- RAll Western people know that Chinese ppl are their slaves!

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