我覺得細哨 , 因為我覺得佢著住件10號係球場上面,
真係好有球王味道, 令人諗起好多歷代超凡o既10號球員!
而卡卡, 好似冇乜特別咁... 都係8號襯佢多d作者: kuru 時間: 2007-2-18 01:44 AM
外表就卡卡,技術就甸奴作者: kempesito 時間: 2007-2-18 03:51 AM
卡卡一時時.... 11,7,8 都襯佢... 唯獨係10 唔係幾啱佢作者: chunchan 時間: 2007-2-18 04:05 AM
其實現巴西衹有細哨 卡卡叫好一点作者: specificness 時間: 2007-2-18 08:43 AM
still think that it is dino... his skills are so marvellous. but because he is too well-known, all other groups plan well in blocking him, mobilize too many people to take care of him, so his performance actually cannot be compared with other players... he has a higher hurdle to cross over.作者: abcde1918 時間: 2007-2-18 10:04 AM