I dun believe if the old players stay, Arsenal will be able to get anything too
High profile expensive players are not the choice for Wenger, Ugly 1 - 0 boring football is not his option
So he need yo take the risk to play beautiful football, but sometimes lost and were not consistence作者: eric911 時間: 2007-3-22 02:03 AM
多謝意見﹗你是阿仙奴fans嗎?作者: kolete 時間: 2007-3-22 02:12 AM
而且雲加都有講到 佢著眼既 唔係一兩年既成績 講緊既可能係3 4 or 5年後既事情
隊波係要慢慢執既 睇到個個球員都非常有潛質 先前幾年既全季不敗 上年既殺入歐聯決賽唔係最好既證明咩? 我相信雲加係有料之人 呢隊bb軍團 成功指日可待作者: eric911 時間: 2007-3-22 02:16 AM