標題: NBA歷史上最大混亂 pacers vs piston [打印本頁] 作者: 甘國武 時間: 2004-11-20 05:59 PM 標題: NBA歷史上最大混亂 pacers vs piston
NBA歷史上最大混亂 pacers vs piston
去年東區總冠軍賽,活塞以四比二淘汰溜馬以後,這是兩隊半年來第一度交手。主場球隊活塞命中率不佳,全場泰半時間都以兩位數以上的差距落後溜馬,一路悶到第四節;不過第四節開始 Richard Hamilton 跟 Linsey Hunter 連續兩個三分球,加上 Rasheed Wallace 的三分打,活塞連得九分引爆了主場奧本皇宮的球迷熱情,活塞一度追到 79:85 只差六分,但是 Ben Wallace 一次上籃不進,Jermaine O'Neal 罰進一分,之後 Austin Croshere 跟 Stephen Jackson 又連進兩個三分球,比數再度拉開,終場前 57.2 秒 Jackson 兩罰都進,97:82 看起來只要把時間拖完比賽就可以結束。
沒有想到的事情開始發生。活塞進攻,Ben Wallace 向籃框切入,起身上籃時 Ron Artest 從後方連人帶球把 Ben Wallace 打下來。雖然動作有些粗暴,但裁判第一時間沒有吹判嚴重犯規,Ben Wallace 起身以後馬上回頭,用雙手推 Artest 的肩膀跟頭,裁判跟兩邊球員都衝進場忙著拉人,也有球員還在場上對峙,情況相當緊張。當裁判還在處理 Ben Wallace 跟 Artest 的糾紛時,Artest 則躺在中場的紀錄台上。此時突然從觀眾席上飛出一枚水杯,連飲料帶杯子砸到面向屋頂的 Artest。沒想到 Artest 突然起身,衝往水杯飛來的前排觀眾席方向,朝著一個活塞球迷揮拳,Artest 跟球迷都倒在地上。接著 Jackson 也衝去助拳,抓住另外一個球迷毆打。這個舉動讓附近活塞球迷大為憤怒,立刻包圍兩人,此時 Rasheed Wallace、David Harrison 也衝去拉架,雙方教練團、球場安全人員以及保鏢都還來不及趕到,兩個溜馬前鋒已經開始被球迷圍毆。O'Neal 也進去揮拳,大會請球迷立刻離場,Larry Brown 抓起麥克風懇求球迷冷靜,都無法安撫憤怒的底特律球迷,爆米花、混著冰塊的可樂、啤酒不斷從觀眾席上灑下,場面已經不能用混亂來形容。
球員安全受到威脅,裁判只能終止比賽,放棄剩下來的 45 秒比賽,以 97:82 為最後比賽結果,要求兩隊球員立刻進入休息室。溜馬球員跟教練在安全人員保護下抱頭鼠竄進入休息室,進入甬道前還是被球迷丟擲的食物跟飲料淋得滿頭滿臉,小歐尼爾差點又跟球迷釀成進一步衝突。大部分的活塞球員則留在場上。賽後底特律警方圍起溜馬的休息室以及巴士,阻止記者進入。Brown 教練表示,這是他 40 年 NBA 生涯中最醜惡的一件事,而自己的球員居然是其中的一部份,他為聯盟感到羞愧。掩著頭進入休息室的溜馬教練 Rick Carlisle 則遺憾比賽結束的方式,「我感覺好像在逃命一樣。」雙方球員都沒有進一步發言。
這是近年來 NBA,甚至全美職業運動所發生的最嚴重暴力事件之一,雙方球員除了打架以外還打球迷。NBA 發言人 Tim Frank 表示,NBA 進一步觀看錄影帶之前不會有任何評論。活塞的發言人 Tom Wilson 不認為會有任何人遭到逮捕。
Artest VS BigBen
點知收尾真係打起上黎......作者: jun_un 時間: 2004-11-20 06:32 PM
i watched the game too...the fighting was terrible, it was unbelievavle.
It has lasted for at least 10 mins, you guys should watch this.作者: 金魚佬 時間: 2004-11-21 02:25 AM
Rumour says that the suspensions are:
Artest 30 games
ONeil 20 games
Jackson 20 games
Wallace 5 games
Tha'ts full of crap. They're trying blame everything on Artest. That's cheap: looking for an easy way out of Artest's already-damaged reputation.
They throw at the fans' face AFTER getting hit from behind, TV didn't show that.
If anyone's to blame, it's the fans. Athletes are not caged animals. You can't throw stuff at them and expect nothing in return.
And if you rush onto the court, anything is fair game. Players are gonna protect themselves. Who knows if you're carrying a knife and stuff?作者: Anonymous 時間: 2004-11-21 11:07 PM
我都覺得 d fans 真係差
雖然artest oneal 同 jackson 唔低幫......
我覺得應該罰埋pistons 本身作者: 科 時間: 2004-11-21 11:38 PM
點知佢又打埋一份 :x作者: below6cm 時間: 2004-11-22 09:16 AM
Pacers forward Ron Artest has been suspended for the remainder of the season.
Indiana guard Stephen Jackson has been suspended for 30 games.
Pacers forward Jermaine O’Neal has been suspended for 25 games.
Indiana guard Anthony Johnson has been suspended for five games.
Detroit forward/center Ben Wallace has been suspended for six games.
Pistons forwards Elden Campbell and Derrick Coleman and guard Chauncey Billups have each been suspended for one game for leaving the bench during an on-court altercation.
Indiana guard Reggie Miller has been suspended for one game for leaving the bench during an on-court altercation.作者: Anonymous 時間: 2004-11-22 10:19 AM
rumour 嗟
再見 Pacers.....'
Artest 其實都幾慘
一季真係多左 d......
始終佢都係俾人聊.....作者: Ticat 時間: 2004-11-22 10:21 AM
well .. look at the bright side ... he has all the time for his CD now .... 作者: 甘國武 時間: 2004-11-22 06:00 PM
真係好容易throw stuff
nba should do sth abt that作者: blblblbl 時間: 2004-12-9 10:23 PM
Ben Wallace's brother, the chair-thrower, the drink-thrower, along with 2 other fans and 5 Pacers, got charged by the Cops.作者: Jotaro 時間: 2004-12-10 04:12 PM
David Stern had to do this to prevent other players from doing the same thing again. The punishment is not too harsh considering the image of the game. Artest is not without pay for the rest of the season. That's enough to scare other players from doing anything stupid.作者: 斌周兄 時間: 2004-12-23 12:28 PM