我個fd 壞左harddisk 同 ram
咁買左新既返黎裝返入去,照常咁開機,跟住個腦話detect 唔到個harddisk...
咁應該係出左咩問題?定係要set 一d 野?
高手請指教..thz!!作者: Dan.elf 時間: 2007-8-10 02:29 AM 標題: I'm not an expert....but!
At least, you should give more information about the ram and harddisk..... let's say, the speed, size (MB or GB) of the ram and harddisk! And the information of the computer and motherboard.
Anyway, cheuk out the firmware updater. It may help!作者: hold_find 時間: 2007-8-10 03:14 AM
要入BIOS set番個HD槽有冇嘢,一般會係自動唔係就開番啦
如果個HD係ATA,要在個HD set番Master同Slave,SATA就唔係作者: mkj 時間: 2007-8-10 08:27 AM