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標題: 唉..好唔開心呀 [打印本頁]

作者: eva04    時間: 2008-4-19 08:24 PM     標題: 唉..好唔開心呀

My sister had been working in a famous boutique in Pacific Place as a salesperson for many years. Many rich people and celebrities do shopping in this shop. After working for a long time, she was promoted as a senior salesperson. She had the favour of the manager because of her good working attitude. As she had a stable job and income, she planned to get married with her boyfriend who had been with her for many years.
% G2 R1 {- \. v
, b: a4 e$ J! y4 `! t' ]Throughout these years, my sister received very few complaints and she kept good relationships with many premium customers. Some days ago, Jade Kwan visited her shop and bought many things. But my sister was not the one to serve her.; f0 D4 B: q, X/ {! ]- p
! \) u' D" Z9 Y
After almost 2 weeks, Jade Kwan visited the shop again. The salesperson who served her last time was off duty that day. My sister substituted her position. At the beginning, my sister introduced her the new arrivals politely and offered her a discount. However, Jade Kwan had no response but glanced at the other 3 to 4 mailand customers, who had been talking noisily. Jade Kwan asked my sister if she could close the shop for a while for her to shop alone. My sister once told me that the company did not allow them to do so as it would set a bad example. There could be an exception only when there was a bigwig and when the shop could be made messy with lots of reporters. However, detecting Kwan's discontented look, my sister still gave a call to her boss. Of course, the boss did not allow her to do so and said that she could only give her more discounts.9 Y% Q' r8 G: L4 ^2 q
- R' i7 t4 L$ \2 p; I8 c
Then Jade Kwan lost her temper and scolded my sister. Her words were very offensive. She cried that the amount she spent on clothes was much larger than that of her salary of several years. My sister dared not to offend her, so she just kept on apologizing to her.
( u4 G! E, R* a: H& E5 C2 p
9 o5 }- V" r2 d- Z' \0 s2 fJade Kwan finally left. My sister informed her boss about this incident. Knowing the situation, her boss did not ask her anymore regarding this incident.
' |5 c$ l# v0 s- J4 Q( V& l0 s  G9 g5 [. D$ f4 m' `
Two days later, she received a call from her boss, saying that there was a complaint about her poor attitude and the being not concerned about the feeling of the customers. Because of the company’s policy, she was not able to know which incident her boss was referring to. After several thoughts, she knew it was probably the complaint from Jade Kwan. Anyway, she was being lectured.# o" j% L. r6 }; U! h  X; E! o  P
2 Q" e, L! H/ S' W$ T2 Y
After a few days, Jade Kwan came to the shop again with a man in suit. Luckily, there were no other customers. My sisiter was reluctant to server Jade Kwan again, so she assigned a junior saleperson to serve her. However, the man insisted that my sister should be the one to serve Jade Kwan.# A; j  w' I. M  X1 L2 P7 \

8 ?! ?# T: {5 w0 H1 [. SThen Jade Kwan played tricks on my sister. She wanted to do some fittings, but she moaned others had already tried on the displayed clothes and she wanted to try new ones. Although my sister knew that the company did not allow this practice, she still agreed to do so as she was afraid of her.
) b  y5 A6 y" |9 ^! U5 u
4 p3 R, e& c. \, l0 QHowever, after trying on some new clothes, she showed no intention to buy them. Finally, my sister excused herself and told her that actually she was not allowed to let her do so, so she suggested giving her more discounts (but Jade Kwan was fooling her explicitly). Then the man blamed my sister, “You think that we have no money to buy the clothes?” My sister denied, but he still kept on blaming her for some minutes. My sister’s colleagues tried to help her, but they blamed her too. At last, they reported to the boss." E6 x3 W+ o( D; Z: H# `- M
$ Y2 X7 B) _: m. y( H2 R* p
Later, my sister received two warning letters. Two days before, she received a release letter and was fired at the end of the year.
作者: makin    時間: 2008-4-19 08:41 PM

睇左好耐終於睇完..首先我想講你d英文好勁-"-好順..writing應該五星級XD3 r0 S) f! q5 ]# i
$ s3 w' {- B, F3 ?" ^! a2 j
我諗你講緊個artist係關x妍吧?咁又真係估唔到佢咁衰..3 O% k% H+ N7 G: E, U  u+ ^' @; {
" }( Z* j! g/ p: H* v唔應承佢就黎搞事..你家姐好無奈囉..咁樣比人炒左
# L( e8 @" d* v. @/ {: u其實遇到d咁既不公平對待..可以去邊度投訴??
- s/ u9 i9 _6 k1 i' O) }我都唔知..平基會??
% Y9 B% I% U9 Q5 @# c' h4 [
6 V7 V4 a; j5 c! v7 x' ?個"偽"人同間公司都有做得唔岩..如果你家姐做既同你講既一樣
% q  \" n( y# _' T我覺得你家姐應該做返d野..等d偽人唔好以為自己大晒
( U2 O) D9 i9 }- E講有錢大把人有錢過佢..講有地位又未輪到佢..+ U  k7 d4 Z4 Z$ |6 f" u
想自己睇晒既咪買晒d衫囉笨..之後慢慢睇飽佢!!"4 ?/ A4 c3 m6 E  S# L% H, ^3 b- A3 J

5 o$ A* c+ o' U, k最後希望你睇開d..都多謝你揭發左呢d artist既真面目
作者: 也媽嗲    時間: 2008-4-19 08:43 PM

& E# Z% W) N* A% H7 g+ W8 Q我刀想開解下你,但英文有限,剩係睇到''關心姸''等字眼,
6 [$ n" h+ \# G$ U  M点刀好la,請放開懷抱...睇下我既帖la!会開心d架!!
作者: 阿感    時間: 2008-4-19 08:56 PM

4 X0 e) Z: U) r/ H  l, U: X+ N! l

$ @2 {& x1 y# a1 \! O9 u" f/ q* j' g. J. d' {* o* C8 m% I

: r) E) ?' u5 m) u
# ^' \6 \8 f6 z: {. @  p: x: o& o1 Z9 }7 N
( U$ a2 A5 \0 c+ |2 b
# B- T# ^0 ?. |* t

$ o3 V9 _( F5 Q% E
+ s- R6 A* e" m5 D
5 A' D4 r; U1 I1 S
/ g  Z3 G, O" }/ {' v. Y: _/ |. ^: W* Y$ M7 g" H
& t+ w# ?* L+ U& d" X; [
% [% R6 A4 F/ ^0 X! K7 d6 x
6 t" M3 {& p, h, Q, B, i

- Y6 M% L+ @/ q, N2 k- I6 A4 H2 F4 I9 X3 j, Q
  |7 A" y( d9 Q) P& ?
作者: chong2002    時間: 2008-4-19 08:59 PM

Originally posted by 阿感 at 2008-4-19 08:56 PM:5 I6 M. j% ?4 X( S* ]3 I
講起就扯火喇,我家.......: S1 ^0 T7 H1 {) ~' K0 _  R
, d4 E& E1 [& f% N* y- R. }" {. J

0 }* l# C8 y1 j
) r$ c4 k2 U% x$ ]2 A7 E: d
9 Y. a$ W* y! I1 `  s
  u8 N! H( V" j. D. G/ E
$ c$ {  l- F8 q; G9 A
: V. Y. Y  ~9 B
5 _' [& q5 f& R3 V& s
& D- e% c5 S4 L6 d5 A& J0 A
( e" J7 t, E5 I  a. Z0 ]; |$ n3 M. O6 h

( c$ `- u8 F/ Y7 S' h+ p, {: U: ?1 q
3 q/ v3 y3 ?3 _% v, R

( S0 n! W: i+ G
2 U6 q# J7 w( B' D, P# b  {6 n" R% b$ o3 Q3 f6 _
7 k! ^8 ?% P1 \* G
7 e% n. k2 D: v- Q; i% }. M
/ n7 d  }. H, U/ y

, ~% a- c+ k4 ^+ E7 u& t; [潮文eng 板! X' _9 Q( ]9 I
作者: eva04    時間: 2008-4-19 09:05 PM

Originally posted by makin at 2008-4-19 08:41 PM:0 U1 H  ]5 Z6 P- i  Y1 O3 O  G
' l* S( _4 w/ u0 n2 T+ D3 `
4 Z  e0 W- `; o9 M& s  V我成世人得一個家姐..+ x' y" B( n. i' P
作者: eva04    時間: 2008-4-19 09:08 PM

Originally posted by 也媽嗲 at 2008-4-19 08:43 PM:" T2 y, w0 ?6 [5 ?& M
8 B$ |& L5 a5 _9 Y2 A因為打英文快好多..
$ F7 u, [& R  K睇左你D POST真係放鬆左好多$ Q* n0 z; ^1 R
作者: 自由神    時間: 2008-4-19 09:12 PM

Originally posted by eva04 at 2008-4-19 09:05 PM:
$ @: ], S$ r5 L7 L0 U3 a# D: i5 w; M
唉..我個心好亂/ h5 X9 {# ~; E# B. f
9 p/ _8 l" U2 @2 N而家佢仲係間房喊緊....
( a* i# k" X7 ?3 z; S其實聽你所講5 E1 T( l; k9 m
+ i; F# s8 y6 T" W我個pt係,既然佢都出左黎做野做左咁耐% p7 ]1 g( G$ \; u
, \! d+ b  `5 @7 o2 O. P5 p& |你俾D空間佢去喊啦,佢應該好快會諗得通呢次並唔係佢既錯2 T$ V, ?: F4 {. s

8 x! q$ a+ p: f: }$ Q7 }至於你講果個Jade Kwan..0 w( w% }* v5 h5 [0 i" L; `7 J% Q
咪睇下佢可以威幾耐囉/ i. w( Z! m3 O6 ], g7 l9 e
1 g6 k0 j$ ^5 P  T5 \. EThat's why her career is so bad and no hope
作者: 也媽嗲    時間: 2008-4-19 09:20 PM

Originally posted by eva04 at 2008-4-19 09:08 PM:
/ b9 Q7 K/ J& _2 F- c3 W$ ~  E
. X1 e% Z$ V' k  t% W% I- N4 M/ y! S因為打英文快好多..3 M7 }) `2 ?$ O# v% ]3 C2 r; A
睇左你D POST真係放鬆左好多
4 P# ~: C  ?, G4 J6 S& p多謝關心..
$ k' M9 D1 m+ R" M9 f
; {. D" Z* S$ E& q. E唔駛客氣!我刀幫唔到d乜,9 h9 p1 p. U# a# j, Q9 {! t! }
& W9 r! C. h6 h* F. j不如你同你家姐落街飲杯野,行過圈,抖抖氣,雖則大風雨,
4 V7 _  s9 q+ Y& V  g好過留係房諗埋一面...good luck!
作者: 阿感    時間: 2008-4-19 09:25 PM

玩夠喇,唔知大家真唔知定想同佢玩,篇o野好耐o架喇,日文版都有7 g  y5 X* u  [& H) U ... 2%E6%BD%AE%E6%96%87
( m9 z. Q# K" Q2 X4 y; Z( u) N% Q6 \9 R0 @7 a7 q
EF都貼過6 v2 [) T8 r# @ ... 1%E5%AE%B6%E5%A7%90
作者: 自由神    時間: 2008-4-19 09:32 PM

Originally posted by 阿感 at 2008-4-19 09:25 PM:
9 z4 \5 @' E) d: B2 H2 K' |玩夠喇,唔知大家真唔知定想同佢玩,篇o...
: j* s4 r; ?" o+ g  g& V/ y  d我被玩了% [, x, B" A5 T2 k* R, A1 g# j
作者: Erocky    時間: 2008-4-19 09:35 PM

唉, 睇完您篇文,* x- S1 n* j' L* Q3 C* L7 `
0 Y1 _3 o" B# b9 X, z2 D
- P  m- A  b! p2 N雖然妳家姐既遭遇係不幸, ) d* V- ?% q: |4 |
不過話分兩頭,7 u; E0 t& D1 Q  V& l, t
我以前都聽聞過下Jade Kwan 的衰野 (都係態度低劣之類),
3 W: a  v  N7 U& I- C  Z! d. i既然佢成日黎妳家姐間公司買衫,+ R2 w; i$ }9 @
- _6 q8 k; ~& b! k公司無理由會唔知佢難服待架喎?
, ]. _2 q' D9 Y: O....應該係好体諒您家姐先係架?( y2 n5 O+ u! v4 H5 f
, H- p& K$ c8 r4 C, r) ^9 f0 U
0 N  |% C) O, L! z就有可能係公司唔想得失Jade Kwan呢個大客,5 d9 M: S5 p( l
+ a+ j  F1 g8 D& Q9 Q  j3 Q5 i# A% z- ?+ k7 t& K5 ~
算啦, 既然不幸已經發生左,% F' Y; i# }2 o& ~
您同家姐都唔好太唔開心喇,% \4 R  |0 @: C3 n
工作既野, 東家唔打咪打西家囉,7 [1 U- e7 O) O8 ~1 |
而且我相信您家姐都係有毅力, 有實力同有能力既人,
# q- c% \6 D2 f% y7 Y有實力既人, 無論去到邊度都會成功既~0 F  A. q4 y2 U; T( x) ?3 |

  F. o! |1 W9 p2 x3 Y+ R2 f所以我相信您家姐好快就會搵到份好工,
0 `5 y) ~* q3 M- A$ d7 g, `而且可以攞番佢宜家失去既野!!- L0 z/ P0 Y+ @1 ]3 S
+ R9 [. ?. O- X2 `' N8 ]1 @+ m
Right? ^^
作者: 也媽嗲    時間: 2008-4-19 09:42 PM

唉!好心冇好報!2 l; f, l5 f) _# Q7 Q" R- Q
  E  N* I& ]( ]& H' O% n多謝感感巡察大人,thx~
作者: eric911    時間: 2008-4-19 09:45 PM

作者: Erocky    時間: 2008-4-19 09:51 PM

頂!!- f% O0 `- I! R8 p/ V
覆完帖先知俾人玩!!+ V1 C4 W! a% a. r

0 B+ j; |6 S8 e* p咁樣好好玩乜??!
- X7 H5 ^" _+ |! b' M+ h) h嘥人時間睇, 嘥人時間打~1 a7 r3 L8 l0 {7 L, j/ ^2 c
: v: Q$ r! A7 Y' s仲要嘥多我一個帖去鬧人!!!
: l2 M) e! f6 @( R我就覺得一啲都唔好玩囉!!
6 A2 w6 @8 x1 J; q4 f0 m* T% B* D* i, B' a( D
( q: }; m. H. H, ^8 y9 O! j5 Y6 a- Z網路世界先至會越黎越無質素!!
" }; l  U: o; q& n0 ~
$ @) f3 ~3 j% p9 B& ?- x要玩唔該去番高登玩, 話知您玩過夠本,# Q6 i0 a, o- K# Y$ E) _
26FUN呢度唔適合您~  唔該~
作者: 自由神    時間: 2008-4-19 09:53 PM

既然呢個post已再無任何討論意義啦5 W' _3 c$ q, Y6 y
+ R$ e( ^  X0 H4 L4 Z& N
close post
作者: sfxc0000    時間: 2008-4-19 11:01 PM

" F1 Q  e; w1 Y6 u! w轉貼一個幾年前舊聞都竟然可以當成自身經歷  
( o  [9 p, K: R6 K仲可以連版友 d 同情心都呃埋2 |; T/ i1 w3 J# g) C

- X6 y' N( h, Q單係愚弄版友呢條罪己經可以 Ban 左你$ i7 V) K; d' E' N- @: G
不過見你個 1 分帳號/ n- u. ^1 `& V: W
Ban 左都冇意思
, U1 |. j* K# Q) o1 U3 z加上閣下咁好戲........./ l7 U- w6 J$ T
4 \7 {: o1 k; u/ q9 ^9 t
6 I) c! X+ |/ m4 k0 J  a6 B' j下次想玩野請移玉步至"港男俱樂部"
& E" t; |( h! _0 l, U& r  a只要你玩得叻而又冇干犯版規! k" V1 O) j( ^5 o& X

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