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標題: 我失業了 [打印本頁]

作者: chansuper123    時間: 2009-1-6 08:06 AM     標題: 我失業了

我是做建築的,巳十幾年, 想不到過年前被"炒魷魚" 好難過年關呀,  政府D千千億聲的工程去了邊處, 呢個政府係"假大空"
作者: w00tw00t    時間: 2009-1-6 09:34 AM

我都失業了... 聖誕前公司解雇了我.....
作者: dawander3r    時間: 2009-1-6 09:42 AM

u r lucky in that field already la) X0 U  {6 k6 H0 m* o. [6 n' k
at least there r more constructions going on this year as they promise
- ]2 i5 Q/ G- r; {5 \rather its so ridiculous that the so called "lots of job opportunity" they will create by speeding up the projects they have on hand are all related to constructions
* @$ G0 r" D+ Wthen what about others who do not work in such field?
/ {, m' Z9 T8 V4 X. h% xsound so generous6 z3 f. G- N( w+ Z
but do they actually think before they speak?+ S& ~3 H! M& n% z0 \
seems they never did that
作者: 12d3    時間: 2009-1-6 09:54 AM

唔好咁絕望, 大把人睇實基建, 政府實走唔甩, 問題係政府下下講程序, 冇咁快見效.
: g8 V4 c8 ^$ ~6 T, t我自己係做玩具, 有個客話同我講佢公司12月31日下晝先黎炒人, 聽到都覺得慘. 恕我唔識安慰人, 但我想講很多人幫忙都會幫建築界, 其他行業就未必有人幫啦.
作者: 自由神    時間: 2009-1-6 10:07 AM

我都唔識點講$ b& l1 j* }6 ~3 f
作者: joe159357    時間: 2009-1-6 10:52 AM

3 t9 Q  s; c3 n! W2 _0 l點知一走就撞正
作者: chansuper123    時間: 2009-1-6 11:12 AM

dawander3r, 12dr 你地唔好比政府的"假大空"騙到, 我在07年已聽到千千億聲的工程會在08年開始, 現在09年到, 佢地話最快要到09年下半年才開始, 又要過"垃圾會"財委會通過, ("垃圾會"開會只係識投蕉, 日日呱呱叫), 真係餓死未天光
作者: fabric    時間: 2009-1-6 12:43 PM

我身邊有好多朋友(大學生)也失業中, 出面好難找工作, 要不就是人工好低.希望過左年後會好轉一D啦, 不管怎樣, 都大大支持各位代業的人唔好灰心, 明天一定會更好
作者: southkeung    時間: 2009-1-6 01:12 PM

我都失業中" {% J# T/ }5 Q2 x# `0 U
1 v3 g  I5 m- X/ X3 le+靜D就抄
作者: ole_115    時間: 2009-1-6 04:55 PM

( _! O. S3 l8 S; ]$ n/ I2 B, U都唔知點過年
作者: 勇勇    時間: 2009-1-6 05:05 PM

原帖由 chansuper123 於 2009-1-6 08:06 AM 發表
" u! H+ t0 U; U, r1 `9 v- X我是做建築的,巳十幾年, 想不到過年前被"炒魷魚" 好難過年關呀,  政府D千千億聲的工程去了邊處, 呢個政府係"假大空"
7 G2 x, m9 _6 t5 v' q
建築應該好易搵到工的,你話做了十幾年我估應該係大工司,以你的經驗點會搵唔到工啊 3 O- [; j# o4 |7 c! {* y
你應該save唔少錢的,點會有年關問題啊 / Z& K1 i  G% P  s  R
你做邊個post啊,應該搵份新工唔會太難的 今年當早d收爐,過完年再諗啦
作者: Masterlai    時間: 2009-1-7 01:53 PM

I lost my job too. I was laid off before christmas, don't know what to do. My wife is considerate and said it is fine. The turnmoil should overcome. Fight for a better tomorrow.
作者: 時尚風釆    時間: 2009-1-8 12:21 PM

作者: dawander3r    時間: 2009-1-8 04:18 PM

原帖由 chansuper123 於 2009-1-6 11:12 AM 發表
; N3 J0 v0 Z3 f+ m& Z9 |; {" b; s% Kdawander3r, 12dr 你地唔好比政府的"假大空"騙到, 我在07年已聽到千千億聲的工程會在08年開始, 現在09年到, 佢地話最快要到09年下半年才開始, 又要過"垃圾會"財委會通過, ("垃圾會"開會只係識投蕉, 日日呱呱叫), ...
& U, i5 i2 k* ?0 l8 Q; m) v, |7 G. }* r) b3 m
nah...I don't believe the politician at all. They are the best actors/actresses. All of their publicity is just casting a drama. If they care of us, then we won't be ended up like this.
3 B" z. {0 {, I) i9 GOn the other hand, I do still try. I've sent so many letters to their offers as they promised they will create more jobs but I never get any reply at all.- \6 y: n. ?! p. ?
8 F% l9 k% L$ l2 K: \* H5 G
Anyways, again, all brothers and sisters, please listen to me on this. Please don't accept the unfair/undervalue offers even the economy is weak now. Look at the working environment we have right now, it's already terrible. If you guys keep accepting such unfair offers by lowering your expectation just due to the weak economy time by time, we will gonna suffer more in the end. By accepting such undervalue offers, it is not much difference than getting the Social Security Assistance 綜緩. Then why not taking it as the last resort and wait for a fair offer? You see, firms are laying off people or whatsoever to sustain the operation running, but the real reason behind is that the employer or the high management wanna distributing these loss to the employees at the lower level while they can still maintain their usual revenue and living cost unchanged. They are using this crisis as a chance/excuse to hire cheaper employees. That's all. They won't able to hold that long when they can't have enough people running the daily operation even they don't care because the existing employees will collapse when the workload is exceeding than what they can really to handle. There's always a limit. Finally, they will have no choice but adjust the offer back to a reasonable price. Again, you won't die by hunger, you can still live with Social Security Assistance during the period.
7 Z. U! |6 z9 y% ISo....Don't let the 惡性循環 keep going.
. w. D% [1 f0 U1 a: H+ fOtherwise, you are just making the economy nothing but worse. It will end up like reaching the low level as the average wage in PRC. Then imagine what happen by that.....
9 Z$ T; F; `6 P9 ]On the other hand, the gap between the rich and poor will rapidly increase too.' `4 ^5 T# h) a+ M
So, no matter which way it is, many of us will still end up moving to PRC for living when it's not gonna able to make a living here.+ i( x+ l) z. _# m
Please see things in a macroperspective sometimes.

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