我認為「全南班」並沒有犯規,球例內沒有規定不能夠起用單一球會的球員代表國家出賽,只有規定球員代表國家出賽的資格。再者東亞盃委員會以香港隊貶低了冠軍價值(debased the value of Championship)為理由,賽會將不會向港隊支付冠軍獎金、參賽費、全程食宿費用,並保留追討商業損失的權利?(連贊助商要求賠款,都要香港足總比,真係欲加之罪,何患無辭?我覺得同打劫,有什麼分別?),是不合情、不合法及不合理,凡事都要講例,東亞足協沒有明文規定不可全部起用同一球會的球員。同時委員會表示今次南華球員組成的香港隊,不「受認同是國家最強陣容」(be recognized as a National Team A)。「受認同是國家最強陣容」根本沒有客觀準則衡量誰有資格代表香港,誰是最國家最強陣容呢,幾時係the best team,就係由Member黎決定.即係話,如果Member當時認為佢地人腳最好係一隊U12,佢地派出黎都無位可以俾人入。而南華球員能力上的確係港隊既骨幹,是改變唔到的事實。仲有,根據國際足協的條例 (Source: http://www.fifa.com/mm/document/affederation/federation/01/24/fifastatuten2009_e.pdf):
If a Member allows one of its Leagues to choose a team that bears the name of its country, the match shall be considered an international match as described in par. 1 of this article.
do they have policy restricting them to do so?
i guess not
if they are not allowed to do that, why don't they say that before the cup started?
so dumb
they are robbers
it's like you are not allowed to take the money away which you've won from the casino作者: head1328 時間: 2009-9-4 06:27 PM