聽完Linkin Park 隻 THOUSAND SUNS 大碟,覺得由對上隻碟開始 Linkin Park 嘅音樂路向變咗好多,變得大路同主流咗好多,好似冇咗佢哋以前嘅特色。
始終都係鐘意 HYBRID THEORY 同 METEORA 時期嘅佢哋。作者: xxx22088 時間: 2010-12-7 07:53 AM
They are changing style from Nu-metel to AlternativeMany fans think that was not rock anymore
But I think that was cool作者: SCM 時間: 2010-12-7 10:41 AM
呢隻碟有好多歌都係d錄音 或者係得一分鐘左右既歌 成隻碟得the catalys好聽
好懷念以前runaway , no more sorrow , what i have done等等既歌作者: xxx22088 時間: 2010-12-8 05:22 AM
They're changing the style from Nu-metal to AlternativeMany fans think that they're not rock anymore
But I think it's cool!作者: hong719 時間: 2010-12-31 11:39 PM