我有套movie (asf) delete 唔到, 次次都話有其他程式應用中,
close 晒all thing 都唔得, shift+delete 亦唔得,
restart 左部機都delete 唔到, 但 scan 過無毒
how to delete it?
help, pls...作者: yo_sucks 時間: 2003-8-26 03:03 PM
Ctrl+Alt+Del to see if there is any programs like Media Player or Realplayer still in action, and endtask it if there is before you can delete the file...作者: Anonymous 時間: 2003-8-26 03:34 PM
攪店左lu, thx作者: icefire 時間: 2003-8-30 12:30 PM
windows XP will pre-read the media player file while you open the folder which cantain these files.
Wait a minute, then you can delete.作者: pelechoi 時間: 2003-9-8 01:45 PM 標題: thx