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標題: [討論]皮草生產過程...人渣﹗ [打印本頁]

作者: kenlabs    時間: 2005-3-28 12:04 AM     標題: [討論]皮草生產過程...人渣﹗

( 好大可能POST過 ... )3 x# t; T9 B# j# P9 [
+ a' U7 j# x9 H( \
$ t2 w7 w3 Z0 Z  ~7 S; f+ o4 g
作者: kiki12345    時間: 2005-3-28 12:41 AM     標題: 太可惡..

6 e4 c2 v7 o( q: H) h8 U大家都是動物...點解呢...- g; w5 W* [3 ~+ V
佢係都整死佢先呀....係要生剶...太殘忍了...看見那隻動物這般無助..9 O8 u/ ?1 W( F9 _. x* {. U
作者: law321    時間: 2005-3-28 01:00 AM

; i0 B# ^, ]" h- _6 [# N- k.........
作者: 天耀    時間: 2005-3-28 01:53 AM

7 O1 i" Y$ W3 u( J0 M! x係我心目中大陸冇一個係好人,原來我一直都係岩既
作者: michaelwong71    時間: 2005-3-28 09:20 AM

大陸冇一個係好人, 因為d皮草著哂係d好人身上。
作者: 冰封騎士    時間: 2005-3-28 09:27 AM

作者: VictorTan    時間: 2005-3-28 09:50 AM

) a5 C& B. a. b这一片段应该在电视节目里,不时播出,5 n' Z* _0 l9 ]5 g7 d0 T
让那些爱买皮草的上流人士做了多少孽,  t- s7 P' O1 a5 s
& ^5 V4 J9 v+ |! \$ Q但往生之后再多的钱也不会跟你升天,
, D3 a; @/ T" n8 F准备让牛头马面带你一程吧!
作者: sk    時間: 2005-3-28 04:08 PM

Why these people did not learn?? They suffered from Japanese chemical treatments, and the policies from the gov't, they should understand the pain of cruel treatment... don't they have a heart?
作者: VictorTan    時間: 2005-3-28 07:43 PM

sk, frankly speaking,I do not like to discribe chinese in this way,- w% C# P) |: j, _" c) O! Y+ {* _6 J2 W
some of them are really heartless,they can do anything for money,4 Z# J% i0 p: E) l0 Q
when they need money,they can sell wife & kids away to get money,
  J& ~3 \  E  k/ Vthey do not know what is love,as long you give them money,
# S% l% I& i& hthey can knee down and call you father.
. V7 l" l/ H5 F/ M" j) @+ eBut this movie is not to complain the killer.
4 u# K1 k% {0 y% M6 I7 a/ J1 D. jThe most horrible people are those loaded people paid money to   S9 O/ I( L, L( V8 Y0 b
buy the leather,they do not mind how much they pay,9 B  q( x$ x8 Q7 R
as long you can give them something special for them to show off.
) [: T+ x; \6 JThese people are the real killer,if they they don't buy,/ Z9 [) A  i- J! ?
where got people kill these lovely animals,) M. u7 z2 `$ @. E
I can understand people kill them for survival,
2 G; Y0 A( ?2 o+ F: O. {& d$ \but I cannot forgive people buy leather for showing how rich they are.
: o- [" R' P/ b2 a2 ?Sooner or later these people will die,they will all go to hell
% Y- e1 A5 I, p, D3 l5 Gto enjoy the feeling of people peeling off their skin.6 `, Y! h) i9 ^9 P" D$ V; ]* u
作者: ter215    時間: 2005-3-29 02:12 AM

the people who do it should die
作者: MaxFigo    時間: 2005-3-29 05:14 AM

e段片我睇到一半....已經唔想再睇落去....- _$ h9 Z( @- J+ S  H# `
一隻隻生歐歐咁...., u7 u7 }6 c. C; l5 c) u
, B) ]1 W( T, V3 j2 m7 O! s
對於果d製造/仲著皮草的人...  n0 ?! w; E& K. V  m/ r/ }+ N4 S
我向佢豎起手指致敬 !! = =凸
作者: ckl319    時間: 2005-3-29 11:45 PM

題外話^^""$ z+ A6 |+ z5 y9 {+ ?& ?5 A7 h! i; b0 m$ }
喂喂..乜你又likex雪x琪架??) q9 b" ?* y, t  {0 ^  r( j
0 X8 e1 Q  \8 d你有無佢地d 正野分享下呀???
作者: kenlabs    時間: 2005-4-1 03:00 PM

Originally posted by ckl319 at 2005-3-29 11:45 PM:
; N+ @2 t/ o' x0 W題外話^^""+ y* V& ]+ Z: `; H) ~+ l8 W
喂喂..乜你又likex雪x琪架??  O* g: ^$ V$ o; Z2 S' [5 K3 D
8 V/ Q" J- {2 ~) b/ a6 X" Z你有無佢地d 正野分享下呀???
( q+ E# k1 a8 R; e

* U7 d1 k- m0 S# h& |" s係呀﹗ 哩排中晒“蜜雪薇琪毒”﹗
0 r+ d+ G6 O" ~$ n4 c我有下載佢地既歌友會。 但係下載到96%咋﹐冇乜種子  Q* @6 g% d8 G( b( {
你呢﹖ 有冇下載到啊﹖) ]8 v  l6 i/ `  ]/ l0 M

! V4 B; \9 K+ p" j我有佢地既相﹐但係唔係好方便公開。( 事先聲名﹐不可轉載~ )
- b- p. _2 l- s) A7 I如果你要我可以EMAIL俾你。
. A3 V9 l8 P" m5 i  l( ?' z; w3 v
0 v: q! C- s% F  C, r4 b以下有佢地既TORRENT。可惜冇乜種子~

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作者: Kra    時間: 2005-4-1 05:07 PM

嘩 !
  q" i4 x( z3 d0 r$ f5 L3 Q佢地咁都得 ga ~ 唔係人黎 ga !
作者: 中華卡樂b    時間: 2005-4-1 07:22 PM


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